Introduction: 3 Cool Ways to Use Scrap Paper
Almost nobody doesn´t have scrap paper. So I am providing 3 ways to use old paper with minimal tools. Happy making!
- Paper
- Post-It-Notes
- Scissors
Step 1: Pinwheel/Shuriken: Folds
put a post-it-note sticky sticky side down. Start by bringing the bottom edge to the top, fold then crease. Then bring the left side to the right, fold then crease. Then bring the bottom left corner to the top right corner, fold then crease. Finally bring the bottom right corner up to the top left and that´s right, fold and crease
Step 2: Pinwheel/Shuriken: Making the Segments
Flip over the post it note and bring down the corners on the sticky part of the post-it-note to the middle line. Then fold the post-it in half. Now there should be a crease going diagonally down the back of the piece. Fold this in on itself. Create 8 of these then go to the next step for assembly.
Step 3: Pinwheel/Shurikan: Assembly
To assemble align the pieces as shown above. push them together and fold the excess into the space in between the two ends of the divide. continue until you have finished the final piece. It should now resemble an uncompleted circle. do the same thing as you did before to connect and ignore the flap in the middle. Now you are finished!
Step 4: Magic Paper 1: Cut
Cut two paper strips that are about 1.5 in wide and 11 in long.
Step 5: Magic Paper 1: Half Twist
hold one end of the paper still and twist the other so the former top is now facing down only one one side. it is now half-twisted. keep it like this and tape the ends together.
Step 6: Magic Paper 1: Cut II
Make a slit that goes lengthwise of the strip. Cut halfway through the strip lengthwise all the way around and see what happens. It should become one big loop. if it doesn't make sure you have read all the instructions carefully.
Step 7: Magic Paper 2: Full Twist
Take the second strip of paper you made earlier and twist it like you did last time then twist it like that again. hold it like it is then tape.
Step 8: Magic Paper 2: Cut
Cut your paper in the same way you did last time. However this time the paper should interlock. Pretty cool right! I hope you enjoyed!Thank you for reading my instructable!