Introduction: 3 DIY Beauty Products That Smooth & Firm Skin

About: You don’t have to be a mom to follow Momasaurus: I share beauty tips, DIY projects, deals, natural remedies, reviews and tricks to make life easier.
How do these work? The coffee will exfoliate your skin, removing dead skin cells. Caffeine is a vasodilator, which means it constricts blood vessels in the skin. This action works to make blood vessels tighter and firmer very quickly, which is reflected in your skin texture.

Recipe #1: Coffee Face Scrub:

Ingredients needed:

-3 T used, cooled coffee grounds or 1 used K-Cup (after you brew your coffee, just save some of the grounds. If it’s a Kcup, just cut the top off & dump out the grounds)
-1-2 T Melted Coconut Oil  (No Coconut Oil? You can use Olive Oil in its place)
-1/2 T Honey
(I mix with coconut oil because it moisturizes the skin and honey because it’s naturally antibacterial and is healing to your skin.)

-My recipe is easy to modify, the key ingredient is the coffee of course, so if you don’t have the coconut oil or honey, it’s no biggie. Just mix in a little bit of water with the grounds. It won’t be as moisturizing but it’ll still exfoliate really well.

How to make it:

I mix it up in a small dish and let sit for a couple of minutes. During this time I wash my face
Gently scrub face & then I leave on for a couple of minutes
Rinse with cool water

Recipe #2: "Anti Cellulite"  Coffee Body Scrub: This scrub can be used an an “Anti-Cellulite” scrub (it has the same active ingredients as store bought anti-cellulite scrubs) Regardless of it’s ability to reduce the appearance of cellulite, it will make your skin really smooth.

Mix 1/4 cup of coffee grounds mixed with a little coconut or olive oil and get to scrubbing.

Recipe #3: Coffee Face Mask

Combine some used coffee grounds  with some milk (I add just enough to make a paste)
Apply on clean face & allow to sit for about 20 minutes.

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