Introduction: 3 in 1 Rose Syrup Frozen & Chilled Treats

About: Hello welcome to my profile , I'm an electrical engineer, painter. My hobbies include gardening, baking, crafting and trying different things.. instructables is a good place to show case it

Hello all,

Summer is gone, heat is down (sort of) but still it dry throats are thirsty aching for frozen treats. So this is instructable is little different, here spotlight is given to neither fruit nor vegetables. Its syrup made from edible flower - Queen of flower... Of course ROSE !!! Initially I had of thought making only one, but rose syrup trapped me due its mighty taste and flavour, daily I started making different dishes consecutively. That's how I ended with three recipes in this instructable, If you go through this you'll understand its damn easy to prepare this with ingredients available at home. You'll definitely include this in your dessert recipes

Step 1: Ingredients

I have made three recipes with one syrup, even that syrup too is homemade

Rose syrup

1) Paneer rose / Damask - 1 Bowl

2) Water - 3/4 Cup

3) Sugar - 1 Cup

4) Pink food colouring - 5 drops

Rose Milk

1) Milk - 250 ml

2) Rose syrup - 3 Tbsp

3) Ice cubes - As required

Rose Kulfi

1) Sweetened condensed milk - 1/2 Cup

2) Fresh cream - 3/4 Cup

3) Rose syrup - 4 Tbsp

4) Pink food colour (if required)

Rose pudding

1) Milk - 500 ml

2) Agar Agar - 7 grams

3) Sugar - 125 grams

4) Rose syrup - 4 Tbsp

5) Pink food colour - 4 drops

6) Water - 1/4 Cup

Step 2: Rose Puree

Few words about the rose, this rose smells very good, highly beneficial for internal and external beauty, I have used common variety called as paneer rose, in English it is commonly known as Damask, if you google you'll get plenty of awesome details about it.

First remove the petals and discard the stem, Wash thoroughly and put it in blender add 2-3 tbsp of water and blend it to smooth puree. Isn't it a lovely colour

Step 3: Syrup Preparation

Add sugar & water and let it boil for 5 minutes, sugar will dissolve and it will come to boiling stage add the rose puree and boil for 2 more mins, thats all. no need to boil more or check for string consistency. Take it down from heat and let it sit 2 hours of marination.

Step 4: After Marination

After 2 hours, filter it and remove the rose residue (even that was tasting good). Anyways filter out nicely without any small residue

Step 5: Rose Syrup Is Ready

You can add pink food colour, its pretty as it is but this colour will not come out it the recipe as it is added in lesser quantity. Anyways jar it in airtight and clean container its good to go for 1 month when refrigerated

Step 6: Recipe 1 - Rose Milk

Boil 250 ml milk or as required (syrup have to adjusted accordingly), let it cool down to room temperature after that refrigerate it for 30 to 45 mins

Step 7: Do You Want Foam on Top ?

Add the chilled milk in blender and add syrup, there is no need for sugar as syrup is sweet enough but you can add sugar if you are more sweet lover. Blend it few seconds

Step 8: Rose Milk Ready

Add ice cubes and enjoy it , or even you can blend the ice cubes along with milk & syrup in it, that will give different taste.

Step 9: Recipe 2: Let's Fluff the Cream

Add the condensed milk and then fresh cream, combine it with hand mixer by beating for few mins... since its a fresh cream it will not show stiff peaks, it will be soft and creamy once you are done

Step 10: Flavour It

Add rose syrup and combine well, there will be little change in colour but not that big deal

Step 11: Freeze

I added few pink colour drops and poured into kulfi mould... Freezed it overnight . When you are eager to taste it put the mould in water for few seconds and lift off.. since we didn't add any liquid it was more creamier , next time ill try by adding some more milk in it. This taste good but melts faster... that too if its a tropical climate like India..

Step 12: Recipe 3: Rose Pudding

Tear off agar agar if its a strip and soak in water for 10 mins, after that using your hands press it firmly few times

Step 13: Blow Off Milk's Stream

Boil the milk, after it rising up add sugar , I added brown sugar so colour turned out little caramel, you can add white to keep it white.. after adding sugar stir continuously, quantity of milk will get reduced and it will boil as in the last image.

Step 14: Boil

After a nice soak, it times to boil it.. stir continuously and boil at low flame it will become transparent. step it out from heat

Step 15: Strain

Pour the boiled agar agar to milk mix and stir well. Now strain it to capture if there are any residue of agar agar.

Step 16: Syrup It

After rose syrup and food colouring and mix evenly

Step 17: Refrigerate It

Minimum of 4-5 hours it has to be refrigerated. First image before refrigeration , second image after refrigeration. Put a spoon and start it digging it !!

Step 18: Thank You

I really had wonderful time preparing this, I can't believe this is my first try even though these roses are very common here. ya course I have used these in making home made beauty products. But they taste god damn good !! they are sweet by nature, which makes it perfect for desserts especially cold ones.

So here you have seen frozen, chilled/refrigerated, icy recipes (ice cubes in rose milk) all in one shot here. Thank you for reading so far.

Please let me know your thoughts and comments about this !!

If you get your edible rose which one you would prefer to make first ? I'll be waiting to hear it

Until then, Adios !!!