Introduction: 30 Seconds Brushed Aluminium Finish
This method of creating brushed aluminium finish is focused on ease and simplicity. This method is authentic by-definition method of providing brushed aluminium finish as the method actually uses a brush. This method is functional and of acceptable quality. You can give this finish to all aluminium parts in no-time and almost zero-cost.
- Soft wire brush costing ₹50 /- only. It is made locally for removing rust and paint from metal parts.
- Target aluminium work piece
- Something to hold work piece
- Cloth for buffing (optional)
- 30 seconds
1-2-3 STEPS
- Fasten your aluminium work piece.
- Start brushing in one direction. Select direction in which you want your finish to be. Keep brushing direction as straight as possible.
- Keep brushing until you are satisfied with the finish. You are done!
- If you want to change direction of brushing you can do so instantaneously. It will take another 30 seconds!
- You can optionally buff with a cloth.
Happy brushing!