Introduction: 3D Printed Magnetic Tensegrity Model

About: Our grandkids keep me busy!

Continuing my "out from under my rock" journey with "tensegrity"...

This tensegrity model replaces the center chain I used in "3D Printed "Tensegrity" Model" with neodymium magnets making it easier for the grandkids to use! The magnets provide enough force to support the barrel and reading glasses I used in the demonstration video for the center chain model.

As usual I probably forgot a file or two or who knows what else, so if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask as I do make plenty of mistakes.

Designed using Autodesk Fusion 360, sliced using Ultimaker Cura 4.6.1, and 3D printed in PLA on an Ultimaker 2+ Extended, an Ultimaker 3 Extended and an Ultimaker S5.

Step 1: Parts.

I purchased two 12.8mm diameter by 12.8mm long neodymium magnets at the local hobby shop, but a stack of 12.8mm or smaller disk magnets will suffice.

I 3D printed one "Base.stl", three "Chain.stl", two "Holder, Magnet.stl", six "Pin.stl" and one "Top.stl" at .15mm layer height with 100% infill.

Step 2: Assembly.

To assemble the model, I performed the following steps:

  • Attached one "Chain.stl" to "Base.stl" using one "Pin.stl", then repeated the process with the remaining two chains and two more pins.
  • Pressed the magnets into the two "Holder, Magnet.stl".
  • Pressed one of the magnet holder assemblies into the base assembly.
  • Threaded the second magnet holder assembly through the base assembly.
  • Pressed "Top.stl" onto the second magnet holder assembly.
  • Attached the free ends of the three chains to the top using the remaining three pins.

And that is how I 3D printed and assembled "3D Printed Magnetic Tensegrity Model".

I hope you enjoyed it!