Introduction: 3D Printed Projector | Geneva Drive

About: I like to make things and I'm glad I can share it with you! I post the videos on YouTube - 3DSage

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Link to the Makers Muse project I remixed:

I saw a video about the Geneva Drive by Makers Muse on youtube and on Instructables but it was only used as a demonstration. The Geneva Drive holds it's position before quickly turning to the next position. I was inspired by this and I did my best to redesign and remix this 6 position Geneva Drive into a 3D printed 12 frame automatic projector!

Step 1: The Geneva Drive... Remixed

This is what the Geneva Drive looks like and what I remixed into. I had to figure out how to double the number of positions and attach a spinning wheel on top for the slides. I am not an engineer so I am happy that this works and how the final design turned out!

Step 2: Shopping List

LS-3006 Servo Motor 360 degrees

3CH Digital Multi Servo Tester

4x AA Battery Holder with 6 Inch Wired 2P Connector. (Jameco Part: 2278463)

Nebo 6272-A Micro Redline OC LED Flashlight - 360 LUX

Pendant Magnifier 5x 1 3/4"

3D print the files attached. The template image is also in the zip file.

You could make some variations. Any bright flashlight roughly the same size should work. The servo can be controlled with a mircrocontroller or components on a breadboard, but these materials listed are what I used. and if you don't have a 3D printer, search "local 3d printing service." Print at 0.2mm and no supports

Step 3: I Like to Move It Move It

The servo and batteries will connect to the servo controller. Pay attention to the wire colors, black-negative and red-positive. 3D Print the redesigned Geneva Drive and assemble the parts together as shown.

Give this a test run by plugging in the batteries and rotate the nob on the controller. The controller will make it spin forwards or backwards and the speed can be adjusted.

Step 4: The Wheels on the Drive Go Round and Round

The wheel comes in two parts. (It was easier to print it this way)

One side will friction fit into the other. Possibly print these parts slower since thin vertical part need more time and care when printing.

I created this PNG image and added pictures with a high contrast so the light and dark areas will really show up when projected. Then I took the image to a near by print center and asked to have it printed on transparency. These slides will also help wedge and hold the wheel parts together.

Step 5: Through the Looking Glass

When you turn on the flashlight, the image will be very blurry when projected on the wall. We need to focus the light. You might notice that the image is upside down.

The slide can be flipped vertically so the projected image is correct.

This 5X magnifying lens will fit in the 3D printed holder and can be positioned around until the projected image is in focus. I later tried two 5X magnifying lenses for a larger image.

Step 6: Grab the Popcorn! It's Showtime

Everything is set up, now time to make it work. Turn it on and the light will project the image on the wall and is focused by the magnifying lens. It looks better in a very dark room.

I see this as a fun and educational device and I hope you enjoyed it! Thank you so much for watching!