Introduction: 3D Printed Ring
This Workshop module will guide you through designing a ring in Tinkercad and preparing it for 3D Printing.
Tinkercad is a free web based CAD program.
Step 1: Create Ring Hole
1. Place a cylinder on the workplane
2. While having the cylinder selected press the “hole” button in the top right corner
3. Scale the cylinder to a size slightly larger that the diameter of your finger, which in my case is 17mm. The default snap grid is 1, meaning when scaling it is done in increments of 1mm. To change your snap grid for more fine, precise measurements, change the snap grid in the bottom left corner to .1.
Size Reference:
Ring Size | Diameter(mm)
6 16.5
7 17.3
8 18.2
9 18.9
10 19.8
11 20.6
Step 2: Create Ring Band
a. Place another cylinder on the work plane
b. Scale the cylinder to have a diameter of 21mm or 4mm larger than your ring hole cylinder. This will determine the thickness of your band, play around to achieve your desired ring design.
c. Adjust the height of the new cylinder to 4mm.
d. Drag the hole into the center of the cylinder
e. Select both shapes and use the “Align” tool from the Adjust menu to ensure perfect alignment
f. While having both cylinders selected press the “Group” button in the top right corner. You now have a ring band.
Step 3: Personalize Ring Design
Now that you have a ring band, the ring can be customized however you desire. The following steps offer some suggestions on how to begin personalizing and customizing.
1. Adding shapes
a. Add any shape or custom model to so it intersects the band of the ring
b. Select everything on the workplane and press group
2. Adding shape hole(s)
a. Add any shape including text to workplane
b. Make desired shape a hole
c. Place hole on desired location on band
d. Select everything on the workplane and press group
Step 4: 3D Printing
1. Downloading File for 3D Printing
a. Once design is complete select “Design” from the upper left corner
b. Click on menu option “Download for 3D Printing”
c. Select “.STL” button
d. The file will now appear in the downloads folder and can be opened in a 3D printing software and sent to a 3D Printer
2. Sending Model to Print
a. If you don’t have a 3D Printer, you can easily send a 3D model to print through Tinkercad
b. Once the design is complete select “Design” from the upper left-hand toolbar
c. Click on menu option “Order a 3D Print”