Introduction: (3D Printer) Quick Calibration of the Three Axis and the Extruder on Non-Delta Type Printers Like Anet, CR and Others Alike.

This is part of one of my other Instructables, but I am sure many would just like to know how to do the calibration without having to print a calibration cube. Well, this below gets all of the movements calibrated.

This part assumes that you have access to software that can send jog commands and G-code commands to your board.

The settings and measurements in the steps below are from my setup of my MKS Gen 1.4 with LV8729 drivers using Marlian 1.1.9. on an E12.

You will need calipers that can measure 100mm or more with a depth rod/blade. Digital types will work best with the math.

Note; your numbers will have to be utilized to obtain your correct settings.

Open your software and connect to the board.

  • Send M503 to get your current steps/mm settings.
  • Find the M92 line, and the format should look like this M92 X80.65 Y80.78 Z392.47 E97.82

Start of the X-axis calibration:

  • Home the X-axis.
  • Move the X carriage out 25mm from the end of the 20x20 rail (see photos) and zero calipers.
  • Jog the X-axis +100mm
    • Mine moved 24.84 with 80.65/mm
    • The formula is the following;
      • 'How far you told it to move' * 'the axis steps/mm' = result
      • 100 * 80.65 = 8065
      • result / 'what it really moved' = 'new axis steps/mm'
      • 8065 / 24.84 = 324.68/mm
  • Close but not yet dialed in.
  • The next two Gcode commands updates the new X steps/mm.
    • I sent M92 X324.68
    • I sent M500 Home the X-axis.
  • Move the X carriage out 25mm from the end of the 20x20 rail (see photos) and zero calipers.
  • Jog the X-axis +100mm
    • Mine moved 101.38
      • 100 * 324.68 = 32468
      • 32468 / 101.38 = 320.26/mm
  • Closer but not yet dialed in.
    • I sent M92 X320.26
    • I sent M500
  • Home the X-axis.
  • Move the X carriage out 25mm from the end of the 20x20 rail (see photos) and zero calipers.
  • Jog the X-axis +100mm
    • Mine moved 99.84
    • Now some fun with math, don't ask me to explain how it works, it just works.
    • The first set is the last [two sets] lengths of movement and gets the difference.
      • 101.38 - 99.84 = 1.54
    • The second set is the last [two sets] steps/mm and gets the difference.
      • 324.68 - 320.26 = 4.42 Steps/mm
      • (4.42) / length (1.54) = 2.87
      • the needed length (100-99.84) = 0.16
      • 2.87 * 0.16 = 0.4592/mm
      • Steps/mm for [99.84] 320.26 + [the adjustment number] 0.4592 = 320.72/mm
        • I sent M92 X320.72
        • I sent M500

Start of the Y-axis calibration:

  • Since the Y-axis has a belt system like the X-axis lets set the Y-axis to the same number.
    • I sent M92 Y320.72
    • I sent M500
  • Home the Y-axis.
  • Move the Y carriage out 25mm from the end of the 20x20 rail (see photos) and zero calipers.
  • Jog the Y-axis 100mm (-100 if starting from the front. +100 if starting from the back)
    • Mine moved 100.73 with 320.72/mm
    • 100 * 320.72 = 32072
    • 32072 / 100.73 = 318.40/mm
  • Close but not yet dialed in.
    • I sent M92 Y318.40
    • I sent M500
  • Home the Y-axis.
  • Move the Y carriage out 25mm from the end of the 20x20 rail (see photos) and zero calipers.
  • Jog the Y-axis 100mm (-100 if starting from the front. +100 if starting from the back)
    • Mine moved 99.92

Start of the Z-axis calibration:

  • Home all axis.
  • Jog the X-axis +10mm. This is to move it over so you can measure the top of 20x20 X carriage rail down to the metal part of the 20x40 support below.
  • Jog the Z-axis +100mm
    • Mine moved 24.55 with 392.47/mm
    • 100 * 392.47 = 39247
    • 39247 / 24.55 = 1598.66mm
  • Close but not yet dialed in.
    • I sent M92 Z1598.66
    • I sent M500
  • Home all axis
  • Jog the X-axis +10mm.
  • Jog the Z-axis +100mm
    • Mine moved 99.92
    • [last two sets lengths] 99.92 - 24.55 = 75.37
    • [last two sets step values] 1598.66 - 392.47 = 1206.19
    • 1206.19 / 75.37 = 16
    • 16*.08 = 1.28
    • 1598.66 + 1.28 = 1599.94/mm
      • I sent M92 Z1599.94
      • I sent M500
  • Home all axis
  • Jog the X-axis +10mm.
  • Jog the Z-axis +100mm
    • Mine moved 99.96

Start of the extruder calibration:

  • I wouldn't recommend calibrating while extruding if you are having unknown issues extruding then this can through off this calibration. I did mine by disconnecting the tube just off the extruder motor then pulling some filament through and cutting it flush at the body (see photo). Next heat up the extruder to 180C, this is in case you have "don't allow cold extrude" on your setup. When at temp start the extruder motor calibration.
  • I am staring with the filament flush at the body of the extruder.
  • Extrude 100mm for each run, then measure how much got pushed through.
    • Extrude 100mm
      • Ended up extruded way more than 100mm, longer than my calipers had to use a tape measure.
      • Close to 16 inches = 406.4mm with 97.82/mm
        • 100 * 97.82 = 9782
        • 9782 / 406.4 = 24.07/mm
      • Close but not yet dialed in.
        • I sent M92 E24.07
        • I sent M500
      • Reset the filament to flush with the extruder body.
      • Extrude 100mm
        • Mine moved 97.26
        • 100 * 24.07 = 2407
        • 2407 / 97.26 = 24.75/mm
          • I sent M92 E24.75
          • I sent M500
      • Reset the filament to flush with the extruder body.
      • Extrude 100mm
        • Mine moved 101.28
        • [last two sets lengths] 101.28 - 97.26 = 4.02
        • [last two sets step values] 24.75 - 24.07 = 0.68
        • 4.02/0.68 = 0.169154229
        • 0.169154229 * 1.28 = 0.22
        • 24.75 - 0.22 = 24.53
          • I sent M92 E24.53
          • I sent M500

Done, now print a calibration cube and fine tune you extruder mulitplyer.