Introduction: 5 Minute Pizza Pi

About: Hi guys, I'me Nemi and I enjoy sewing, experimenting in the kitchen and creating all kinds of cool stuff. Follow me and lets create and craft together. x

The average 14" pizza has approximately a whopping 1718 calories!

Today's recipe is a 5 MINUTES 200 CALORIES per pizza, it is healthy and full of flavour, spice and tastes just like its calorific brother.

Most importantly it will satisfy every pizza craving from the pit of hell that wants to derail from your healthy lifestyle #fitfam.

Happy Pi day.

Step 1: Ingredients

Here is what you will need

Weight watchers Tortilla wrap (any Tortilla wrap with under 120 cals is fine)

1 tbs Tomato puree

Basil leaves

Sliced spicy Chorizo

Low-fat mozzarella

Step 2: Making the Pizza

  1. Stir a pinch of chopped basil and sea salt in the tomato puree, then spread the mixture on the tortilla wrap.

Step 3: Topping

Add the sliced spicy chorizo and mozzarella.

Step 4: Grill

Grill in the oven at 200c for 3 minutes and voila!

All done!