About: Hi guys, I'me Nemi and I enjoy sewing, experimenting in the kitchen and creating all kinds of cool stuff. Follow me and lets create and craft together. x

Some people find it very easy to skip breakfast, not me. I am one of those people that need to have some food within 30mins of waking up. These chocolate yoghurt bowls are one of my favourite breakfast cos they are super quick, easy and delicious.

The greek yoghurt also makes this yoghurt bowl high in protein and a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (AJCN) showed that when test subjects ate a high protein breakfast (35 grams) versus skipping the meal or eating a low protein breakfast (13 grams), not only did they have increased fullness later in the day, but brain scans showed reduced activity in the area that controls food cravings. This resulted in a reduced intake of high-fat and high-sugar evening snacks.

Pretty cool huh, anyways let's get started.

Step 1: Ingredients

  1. 150g of 0% greek yoghurt
  2. 20g of cocoa powder
  3. Almonds of mixed seeds
  4. Sweetener of choice( I used white chocolate drops)

Step 2: Instruction

  1. Blend yoghurt cup plain Greek yogurt with cocoa powder and sweetener until smooth.
  2. Pour mixture into a bowl
  3. Top with toasted nuts and mixed seeds, chopped fresh fruit or granola.
