Introduction: “Do Not Disturb” Sign

Do you want sometimes to be alone? And people stop knocking on the door? If the answer is Yes! here's something for you.... I'm going to show you how to make a sign for your door handle.

Step 1: Materials

Here's what you need:

1. Cardboard
2. Ruler
3. Pencil
4. Scissors

Step 2: Making

Use the ruler and the pencil to draw a rectangle and cut it with the scissors. Then draw another rectangle (or a circle) like the picture below. If you like your new sign you can use it like this, but I'm not sure it will hang on every door. Cut a small piece to make the sign hook-shaped. Now it will perfectly fit on any door handle.

Step 3: Design

Write of draw something on the sign. If you can't draw well use Google to find an interesting picture, print it and glue it on the sign. Use your imagination and your sign will be perfect. Look what I did!
Gorilla Glue Cardboard Contest

Participated in the
Gorilla Glue Cardboard Contest