Introduction: A-Cross-World Puzzle

About: A born artist. I love knitting, hand embroidery, cooking and arts and crafts in any form.

Ever wanted to learn more about countries and their capitals? Meet the A-Cross-World Puzzle, a map-themed crossword puzzle. The A-Cross-World Puzzle is a fun, family friendly game that you can play whenever and wherever you want! You can learn about the numerous countries and their capitals, all while having fun playing the A-Cross-World Puzzle. The puzzle includes over 30+ countries, and if that isn't enough for you, then feel free to add as many more as you like. By the end of this instructable, you can make your own A-Cross-World Puzzle, customize it to your liking, and learn about the capitals of the countries across-the-world!


1. Download a World map from any free or reliable website. I picked up from (Link - Refer Image 1

2. Create a free crossword puzzle for Countries and Capitals. You could do this step yourself manually or use any free online links to create one. I have referred this free website (

3. Create an answer book for the Crossword puzzle with Countries and Capitals. (

Step 1: Create A-Cross-World Puzzle

Step 1. Create a free crossword puzzle for Countries and Capitals. You could do this step yourself or use free online links to create one. I have referred this free website (

On the sheet, enter the information


1. Capital of Bahrain

2. Capital of Netherlands

6. Capital of Zambia

7. Capital of Romania

8. Capital of Afghanistan

10. Capital of Vietnam

11. Capital of Zimbabwe

14. Capital of Egypt

19. Capital of Finland

20. Capital of Kenya

21. Capital of Cambodia

23. Capital of Libya

24. Capital of Oman

28. Capital of France


3. Capital of Pakistan

4. Capital of Jamaica

5. Capital of Malaysia

7. Capital of Germany

8. Capital of Nepal

9. Capital of Denmark

12. Capital of Canada

13. Capital of Iceland

15. Capital of Qatar

16. Capital of Yemen

17. Capital of Hungary

18. Capital of United States of America

22. Capital of Lebanon

25. Capital of Saudi Arabia

26. Capital of Dominica

27. Capital of Taiwan

29. Capital of Japan

A crossword puzzle is created as shown in image 1

Step 2: Crossword Answer Sheet

After you fill out the cross-word puzzle with the answers, you could verify your answers against the Answer sheet given in image 1

Hurray! Now you are the master of A-Cross-World puzzle and know the capital of 30+ countries. Have fun!