Introduction: A Neat Trick on How to Resurface a CD

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This is a trick that a lot of people already know, but just in case they didn't I posted this.


Step 1: Gather the Materials

The Needed Materials for This project are:

1.) A scratched CD

2.) White toothpaste (not the gel kind)

3.) Warm water

Step 2: Get Er' Dun!

First get you CD and smear the toothpaste on the scratched surface (NOT TOO MUCH, ONLY ENOUGH). Then rub it around a little with your finger in an up and down motion, NOT A CIRCULAR MOTION, IT WILL RUIN THE CODING. Lastly, rinse it off with warm water in an up and down motion.
And Voila! A usable CD!

Step 3: After the Resurfacing ( an After Picture for Weissensteinburg)

This is a different CD, not the blue one. And I am in the process. But anyways, note how the CD isn't too scratched.