Introduction: A Pocket Scrapbook That's Way Better Than the Last One
A handy little scrapbook to have in your pocket!
Step 1: Getting the Things You Need
Step 2: Cutting
Cut your scrapbook paper into large squares.
Step 3: Glueing
Dilute your glue, saturate the scrapbooking paper in glue then glue the paper to the cardboard. Cut the corners from the excess and use them as tabs.
Step 4: Pages
Fold some paper in half then on the fold cut out a square a little smaller then the cover. With a needle, poke holes down the spine and then sew it up.
Step 5: Making the Front Cover
Cut out a white piece of paper and stick it on the front card that you choose. And write a title.
Step 6: Sticking the Pages
Take your pages and glue the first page on the back of the front cover and then glue a bigger piece on top of that. Do the same for the back.
Step 7: Finished
You can write a message on the side if it's for a friend or just leave it how it is.