Introduction: "A Table That Was Supposed to Be a Chair"

After moving into my new apartment, I found that I need a chair to sit on when I’m changing shoes. So I decided to make one myself. My roommate was about to throw away that rug, and I remembered I saw there were some unwanted boards in the school MakerSpace. I thought I could put them together and give them a new life.


An Ikea rug that was ready to be thrown away + some wood boards I found at school + couple of wood sticks+ some rusty nails = a table that was supposed to be a chair

Step 1: Attach the Leather to the Board

Measure and cut the rug to a proper size, nail it to the board.

Step 2: Paint the Legs

Step 3: Put Them Together

Step 4: 3D Print the Stabilized Joint

Step 5: Paint the Bars