Introduction: ATTiny85 Connects to I2C OLED Display - Great Things Can Be Small

About: Electronics is great!

I recently came across a tiny OLED display which I also used for another project. This time I thought a tiny display can be driven by an [AT]Tiny processor :).

The vision is - "create a tiny gaming machine"

Well the first step is taken. At least something is happening on the display. Feel free to suggest a game idea.

Parts we need

  • ATTiny85 break out board - CoPiino Connectable BrainZ from ebay ($6)
  • OLED Display with SSD1306 driver from ebay ($5)
  • AVR Programmer USBasp from ebay ($4)
  • 5V/3.3V regulated voltage source
  • some jumper wires
  • Arduino IDE

Attention: The display module I used had an operation range from +3.3V to +5V. So I could easily connect +5V. You need to carefully check if your display also supports +5V otherwise use a regulated +3.3V power source !!


  • uploaded additional target project => demo for font and icons
  • uploaded some pictures for font and icons

Step 1: Soldering the Board

The CoPiino Connectable BrainZ comes as soldering kit. So it needs some soldering. All parts are through-hole and can be soldered old fashioned with soldering iron.

Scope of supply:

  • PCB 21x28mm with M3 fixing hole
  • 1x ATTiny85-20PU
  • 1x LED 3mm yellow
  • 1x Resistor 1k
  • 3x Resistors 4.7k
  • 2x Capacitors 100nF
  • 1x pin header angled 1x4
  • 1x pin header angled 1x5
  • 1x Straight header
  • 2x3 (AVR ISP)
  • 1x Receptacle angled 1x4

It took me 20mins to solder all parts.

Step 2: Programming the CoPiino Connectable BrainZ

This step is pretty forward. The required source code is attached to this step. All files need be extracted.

Included files are

  • ATTiny_OLED_Bouncing_Ball.ino
  • SSD1306_minimal.cpp
  • SSD1306_minimal.h
  • TinyWireM.cpp
  • TinyWireM.h
  • USI_TWI_Master.cpp
  • USI_TWI_Master.h

1. With the Arduino IDE we open the ATTiny_OLED_Bouncing_Ball.ino

2. We need to use the menu "Sketch" - "Add File ... " and add all other files one by one

3. Connect the CoPiino Connectable BrainZ to the USBasp (see notes below)

4. Connect USBasp preferably to a USB hub

5. Arduino IDE: Compile and Upload

6. Check for completed Upload

7. Disconnect USB

8. done


For connecting the USBasp to the CoPiino Connectable BrainZ we apply these pin connections


Pin 9 to 1 [MISO]

Pin 2 to 2 [VCC]

Pin 7 to 3 [SCK]

Pin 1 to 4 [MOSI]

Pin 5 to 5 [RST]

Pin 2 to 6 [GND]

Step 3: Connect and Run

The display will be connected through I2C / TWI which are the signales SDA/SCL. Additionally we draw VCC and GND from the CoPiino Connectable BrainZ to the display. So all toghether we have 4 single cables between display and BrainZ.

Attention: The display module I used had an operation range from +3.3V to +5V. So I could easily connect +5V. You need to carefully check if your display also supports +5V otherwise use a regulated +3.3V power source !!

We then use our 5V/3.3V regulated power source and inject GND and VCC into the appropriate pins at the BrainZ module.

You will be enlightened by the nice moving ball in a grid on the display.


Now its time to make the next step. Any gaming idea that can be implemented?