Introduction: Abstract Crayon Art (Galaxy)

A few crayons and a canvas or paper, can unleash a lot from the inexhaustible creativity of human mind, and today i have made an abstract art of galaxy using crayons (but with a twist) and thought of sharing it.


A few old crayons and a black sheet is enough for this.

If you need to get the melt effect, then you will need a wax paper and an electric iron

Step 1: The Base Art

Draw some streaks of various colors on the sheet with mostly the non-white colors first

Step 2: Shredding the Crayon

Add crayon shredding to the art as depicted in the picture

Step 3: Adding Details

Add crayon shredding to the art as depicted in the picture with more vibrant colors

Step 4:

Now melt the crayon art using wax paper and electric iron at low temperature to prevent overheating it

Crayons Challenge

Participated in the
Crayons Challenge