Introduction: Acrylic Sculpture: a 10 Minutes Hand Project

About: Passionate about behavioral psychology, Space making and sustainable design. Striving not to conform to the corporate world's definition of success. There is nothing wrong with success, but it has to be measur…

I generally tend to overthink things so for fun, I decided to make something quickly and intuitively. I basically just played around with this material.

The beauty about acrylic is that it can look like glass sometimes and because I don't really have access to working with glass, I decided to experiment with acrylic.

Step 1: Acrylic Sculpture

This can be a really quick and fun project... make sure you realize the potential harm in heating up toxic material though. Please do not use the same oven you heat Acrylic in to cook food... (Please note my license terms above)

Step 1: Heat your selected Acrylic piece for 3 minutes or until it is as malleable as you need it to be.

Step 2: Bend the sheet into a U-shape by bringing the edges together.

Step 3: Hold the U-shaped Acrylic piece into position for a few seconds.

Step 4: Pinch/squeeze the upper part to form a "neck". Hold in place with one hand and in the meantime, use the free hand to complete step 5.

Step 5: Using your free hand, fold the upper edges outward, forming a "collar".

Step 2:

Step 1: Heat your selected Acrylic piece for 3 minutes or until it is as malleable as you need it to be.

Step 2: Bend the sheet into a U-shape by bringing the edges together.

Step 3: Hold the U-shaped Acrylic piece into position for a few seconds.

Step 4: Pinch/squeeze the upper part to form a "neck". Hold in place with one hand and in the meantime, use the free hand to complete step 5.

Step 5: Using your free hand, fold the upper edges outward, forming a "collar".

Step 3:

Step 1: Heat your selected Acrylic piece for 3 minutes or until it is as malleable as you need it to be.

Step 2: Bend the sheet into a U-shape by bringing the edges together. Step 3: Hold the U-shaped Acrylic piece into position for a few seconds. Step 4: Pinch/squeeze the upper part to form a "neck". Hold in place with one hand and in the meantime, use the free hand to complete step 5. Step 5: Using your free hand, fold the upper edges outward, forming a "collar".

Step 4:

Step 1: Heat your selected Acrylic piece for 3 minutes or until it is as malleable as you need it to be.

Step 2: Bend the sheet into a U-shape by bringing the edges together.

Step 3: Hold the U-shaped Acrylic piece into position for a few seconds.

Step 4: Pinch/squeeze the upper part to form a "neck". Hold in place with one hand and in the meantime, use the free hand to complete step 5. Step

5: Using your free hand, fold the upper edges outward, forming a "collar".

Full Spectrum Laser Contest 2016

Participated in the
Full Spectrum Laser Contest 2016

Hand Tools Only Contest 2016

Participated in the
Hand Tools Only Contest 2016