Introduction: Adorable 3D Printing Owl Succulent Pot
Small decorations are always adorable. My daughter made me this 3d printed flower pot in the shape of an owl to plant some succulents.
I will explain some tips to plant them properly and prevent them from drying out and dying.
You can download the model for 3D printing from here:
- Soil
- Flower pot
- Succulent
- Teaspoon
- Black paint (optional)
Step 1: Decorate the Pot (optional)
I painted the owl's eyes with black paint to give it more contrast.
Step 2: Add Soil to the Pot
Fill the pot with soil halfway, to give enough space to the roots of the succulent.
Step 3: Select the Succulent
The variety of succulents is infinite, choose the succulent that you like the most, this must be of a small size so that it is proportional to the body of the owl.
Step 4: Insert the Succulent
Carefully insert the succulent into the top hole of the owl, do not worry about it moving, in the next step we will adjust it.
Step 5: Add More Soil
Finally, with a teaspoon, add soil around the root of the succulent until it is completely filled, this is to adjust the succulent and prevent it from moving and dying.
Step 6: Result
I hope that you all enjoyed this Instructable! Thanks for reading and watching.