Introduction: Adventure Time Pocket Jake

About: I am a college student and I have been making things and been on instructables for years on other accounts, but never uploaded my projects then.

The inspiration for the Pocket Jake came from the episode "It Came From the Nightosphere," where Jake is in Finn's pocket the entire episode but is only revealed until the end. A Pocket Jake sits just inside the pocket of a shirt and is secured by a safety pin, allowing only Jake's head to be exposed. The Pocket and Patch Jake's are simple to make and a fun way to start sewing and show Adventure Time pride. While this Instructable shows how to make a pin and patch related to Adventure Time, it can be easily adapted to many other things. If you don't know how to sew, it's okay. I actually did not know how to sew before I began making these. I took many photos of the process and that is hopefully enough to help beginners, but if you have any questions feel free to leave a comment.

Here is a link to a collection that really helped me start sewing.

Step 1: Step 1: Materials


A paper copy of what you want to make.



Safety pin (Optional)

Button (Optional)





Step 2: Step 2: Getting Started

Cut out the photo to create a stencil, then trace it on the felt with a marker. If the projects has multiple layers, like Jake's nose, cut that out as well and trace it the same way. Lastly, where any buttons will be, place your button over it on the stencil and poke the button holes into the stencil, then use a marker to mark the button holes on the felt. This makes button placement easy when you are putting it all together. Once all of the parts are outlined, cut them out.

Step 3: Step 3: Sewing on the Buttons

Use the button marks as a guide to push the needle through the fabric, from the back to the front. Leave an inch of thread to tie off to later. Next, slide the button onto the thread then put the thread through the opposite button hole and fabric. Move the needle around the tag end of thread to create a loop. Move the needle through the loop and pull tight to create a knot. Wrap the thread around the two button holes to secure the black button, then place the white button over the black and wrap the rest of the white thread around, leaving enough to tie another knot. This knot is created when part of the thread wrapped around the buttons is not closed off, then the needle is pushed through the fabric and through the loop. the needle is then pulled through to tighten the loop and close the knot.

Step 4: Step 4: the Snout, Nose, and Mouth.

To begin attaching the snout, align the snout on the body, then push the needle through the body from the back and into the snout and secure with a knot. The knot from the previous step is shown again if you need to see it in a different way. I used a running stitch around the edge of of the snout, which is simply moving the needle back and forth through the fabric, but a backstitch works just as well. Once snout is attached, tie it off. Attach the nose, which is just a small piece of black felt, in the same manner. When the nose is tied off, use a backstitch or tight running stitch to make a mouth.

Step 5: Step 5: Sewing on the Back to Make a Pin

Sewing a back on the Pocket Jake allows a safety pin to be pinned to the fabric without it showing through the front. To do this, take the last piece of felt and use a running stitch or backstitch to secure it. I prefer to leave the bottom open so it can be easier to attach the pin to clothing.

Step 6: Step 6: Patch Jake

The Patch Jake is very similar to the Pocket Jake, but have a few differences. Because the patch is sewn onto another object like clothes or a bag, the eyes are made from felt, which are less likely to be torn off. Secondly, it doesn't have a back, mainly because it's unnecessary. The patch is sewn onto something else so the back is covered.

To get the eyes for Patch Jake to be the same size as the stencils eyes, I simply traced the buttons onto paper and cut them out. Or, I could have cut the eyes out to make a stencil the same way I did the snout. Once everything is cut out, attaching the eyes is just like attaching the nose and snout. After the eyes, making the rest of the Patch Jake is just like the Pocket Jake, only without a backing. A backstitch should be used to attach the patch to the material.

That's all. I'm going to work on other projects like this in the near future so if you have an idea on how I can improve this project or the Instructable, post a comment.
