Introduction: Air Quality Monitoring Device Using Arduino

About: student of Electronic Engineer

Hi every one

living one of the developing country or most polluted city knowing Air quality is very important for health , i make this device for my self and every one can make it as well . here I am going to demonstrate how to make.

before i do here intervals and the terms describing the AQI air quality levels are as follows:

From 0 to 50....................good
From 51 to 100..................moderate

From 101 to 150.................unhealthy for sensitive groups

From 151 to 200.................unhealthy

From 201 to 300.................very unhealthy

From 300........................hazardous

unit :ppm (parts per million )

Step 1: Electronic Components

you need this project

1- Arduino ( any arduino types )

2-gas sensor

3-jumper wires (3pc )


5-Arduino usb cable

6- Arduino IDE

Connecting Arduino to sensor

MQ- 2- Gas sensor have 4 pin , u need to use 3 of them as shown in figure

pin A0 to pin A0 in arduino

pin vcc to pin 5v

pin GRN to GRN

Step 2: CODE

Download code here ........

int airquality = 0;
void setup()

{ Serial.begin(9600);


void loop()


int sensorValue = analogRead(A0);

Serial.print("Air Quality = ");






Step 3: Result

After compiling, uploading and running it, in the Serial Monitor (Tools -> Serial Monitor or Ctrl + Shift + M) the sensor will send data!

serial monitor will shown u I hope you enjoyed this project and if there is something wrong or not clear please let me know. follow me for many more projects to come

Thanks for reading.


Zakariye Abdirahman

I am always fascinated by electronics

Sensors Contest 2016

Participated in the
Sensors Contest 2016