Introduction: Alexa Go Go Robot

About: As a young kid, my curiosity in electronics was compelling.... why does thunder interrupt the radio reception? ....why does ROBOTs run without any wire?.... and I've been hooked on making thing ever since.

i am figuring that how to embedding an

AI system into a pi_zero tiny platform

Reference Link: pi zero platform remote by keyboard

made it run remotely out.

Alexa go go robot ......

Step 1: Materials

pi zero * 1

cell-phone * 1

dc-motor gears * 1

micro servo motor * 1

USB wireless keyboard*1 (for setup)

USB wifi dangle * 1(0 for pi_zero W)

USB connector * 1(0 for pi_zero W)

3v relay * 2

AAA batt * 4

AAA holder * 2

3.7 v Li battery(18650) * 1

3.7 v Li battery(18650)holder * 1

TR 1, 2 :2N 3904 * 2

D 1, 2 : IN 4148 * 2

C 1 : 100 uF * 1

C 2 : 0.01 uF * 1 (for bypass noise)
R1 : 10 K OHM * 1

R 4,5 : 1 K OHM * 2

PCB * 1

mini breadboard * 1(prototype use)

screw * 9

BBQ stick * 1

Step 2: Circuits

take the arduino and IR ckts apart

and connect to pi_zero GPIO then.

Step 3: Code and Platform

reference link:

you need to setup pi_zero into Desktop of linux OS.

and install Alexa setup.

reference link:

and download Reverb for Amazon Alexa. onto your cell-phone too.

and then install python.and flask

and install ngrok then !

finally, you have to write a python program to intergrate them all !!

Step 4: Connecting All the Parts

Step 5: Config Your Mobile and Network

Step 6: Test Run With Voice

1)ask go go for 2s.

2)ask go go for 1s.

3)ask go back for 6s.

Step 7: Test AI Bot

chatting with Alexa AI robot:

0) go go for two !

1)who is there?

2)who am i ?

3)sing a holiday song !

4)sing another holiday song !

Step 8: Covered It Up and Done !


Raspberry Pi Contest 2017

Participated in the
Raspberry Pi Contest 2017

Remote Control Contest 2017

Participated in the
Remote Control Contest 2017