Introduction: Amazing Pizza

Do you want to make the best pizza ever? We adapted the dough recipe from this link



  • 250g strong white bread flour
  • 250g plain white flour
  • 5g powdered dried yeast
  • 10g salt
  • 325ml warm water
  • About 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 handful coarse flour (rye, semolina or polenta), for dusting
  • 1 jar of passata
  • grated mozzarella cheese (if it doesn’t come grated use a grater)
  • toppings of your choice (olives and basil etc)


  • ladle (or big spoon)
  • rolling pin
  • big bowl
  • a mixing spoon
  • baking tray
  • pizza cutter (optional)
  • pizza stone (optional)

Step 1:

In a bowl, mix the flours, yeast, salt and water to form a sticky dough.

Step 2:

Mix in the oil, then turn out on to a clean work surface and knead until smooth and silky.

Step 3:

Shape into a round, and leave to rise in a clean bowl, covered with a plastic bag, until doubled in size. This should take about 2 hours

Step 4:

Preheat the oven (and pizza stone or substitute) as high as it will go.

Step 5:

Take a lime-sized piece of dough and roll it into a 5mm thick round.

Step 6:

Dust a rimless baking sheet with coarse flour, lay the dough on it.

Step 7:

stretch out the dough and pinch the edges.

Step 8:

Get your ladle and put the passata in the middle then use the back of the ladle to spread it.

Step 9:

Then sprinkle your cheese and other toppings .

Step 10:

Slip the pizza from the sheet on to the hot stone or baking tray .

Step 11:

Bake until any cheese is bubbling and the base is taking on some colour, seven to nine minutes.

Step 12:

cut up and eat it