Introduction: Animal Quiz Game
Robotin and Robotic are robots from outer space that proposes you the following challenges about animals on Earth:
- what do you know about an animal
- guess an animal reading the clues
I hope you like
- Makey Makey kit
- Laptop or desktop PC with Scratch installed or with access to the online version
- Cardboard
- Brass sheet
- Wires
- Soldering iron kit
- A thin piece of cloth
Step 1: Design the "What Do You Know About ..." Quiz
In this type of quiz the kids, while keeping touched the blue circle pointed by the hand, touch the right sentences on the right side.
In the second image you can see the template for these type of quiz.
On the right side, the red circles are incorrect sentences and the green ones are rights sentences.
So it is very easy to design a new quiz as you can see in the first image.
I have attached several quizzes of this type and its template.
Step 2: Design the "Who Am I" Quiz
In this type of quiz the kids, while keeping touched the blue circle pointed by the hand, touch the right animal on the right side after they had read the clues in the left side.
In the second image you can see the template for these type of quiz.
Again, on the right side, the red circles are incorrect sentences and the green ones are rights sentences.
So it is very easy to design a new quiz as you can see in the first image.
I have attached several quizzes of this type and its template.
Step 3: Building the Game
To build the game I have done the following steps:
- Print and plasticizer a quiz
- Open the holes on the plasticized quiz in the position of the blue circles
- Cut a piece of cardboard with the same size of the plasticized quiz as you can see in the first image
- Mark the position of the blue circles in the cardboard through the holes
- Cut 5 brass pieces as you can see in the second image.
- Glue the left brass piece over its belonging mark. This brass piece will be connected to earth in the Makey Makey board
- Glue the right brass pieces over its belonging marks. From left to right in the second image, the first and third brass pieces will be connected to the "a" key in the Makey Makey board (wrong answers)
- The second and the forth brass piece will be connected to the "w" key in the Makey Makey board (right answers)
- Solder a wire between the first and the third brass piece
- Solder a wire between the second and the forth brass piece
- Glue several pieces of cardboard to form a box as you can see in the forth image
- Glue a little piece of cloth to extract easily the quizzes
- Solder a wire to the earth brass piece and connect to one earth terminal in the Makey Makey board
- Solder a wire to the third brass piece and connect to the "w" key in the Makey Makey board
- Solder a wire to the forth brass piece and connect to the "a" key in the Makey Makey board
Step 4: The Scratch Program
First, Robotic will ask the kid´s name
After that, Robotin will wait for the kid to touch the right answers on the quiz.
If the kids touches the right answers a new backdrop will appear, they will hear a robotic sound and the message "Right!" will apear on the screen.
Otherwise another backdrop will appear with the following message: "Uppps! Try again!"
The right answers are connected to the "w" key in the Makey Makey board and the incorrect ones to the "a" key as you can see in the scratch code image.