Introduction: Appl-O-Lantern

About: One of my favorite hobbies is dismantling electronics, then either combining them together to create something new, or adding components to make them better. I also like gadgets, whether it's taking them apart…
Here's a little change to the original jack-o-lantern! Just in time for Halloween! Here are the steps on how it's made:
1. Find an apple.
2. Cut out the core leaving a hole at the bottom and top with enough room for a tee light candle.
3. Cut the core in half.
4. Carve out the face.
5. Eat the shrapnel*
6. Place tee light candle snugly in bottom hole.
7. Put back the top half of the apple core.
8. Admire and post pictures in the comments!*

There you have it, a Appl-O-Lantern! Don't forget to vote and rate!
DIY Halloween Contest

Participated in the
DIY Halloween Contest