Introduction: Apple Delight

About: I think my interests tell a lot about me, I'm a multimedia artist which means I work in whatever medium grabs my attention, paint on canvas is very relaxing and acrylic paint can be mixed with paper to make a …
This is a rather healthy dessert that kids seem to love. Cracked wheat or whole wheat berries aren't used as much as they should be in the U.S. but they are a staple in the Mediterranean and Mid-East. My local super market only carried one variety and it was labeled as taboule a very tasty mid-eastern salad, it was in the rice and dried beans section.

Step 1: Shopping

This isn't exactly a cheap dessert but it's not really a wallet buster either, here's what I used, feel free to substitute different dried fruits and or juices. Wheat berries require longer cooking/soaking and the only place I can get them is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay across town

  one box of taboule
  One bag of dried apples
  one bag of golden raisins
  one bag of dried cranberries
  small bag of crushed pecans
  mini marshmallows
  apple cider
  brown sugar
  honey ( a natural preservative)
  salt  YES salt, it helps bring out the sweetness

Step 2: Lets Get Started

In a large bowl or medium sauce pan combine approximately 1/4 cup of brown sugar, 2 tablespoons of honey, teaspoon of ground cinnamon (or one cinnamon stix) and a couple grinds of salt (about a half teaspoon) and 3 cups of apple cider or juice, bring to a rapid simmer then remove from heat ( I used the microwave) while the liquid is heating chop the dried apples to smaller pieces

Step 3: Cook?

remove the liquid from the heat and add your cup of cracked wheat, cover and set in the refrigerator until cool and the liquid has been absorbed.about an hour.  In a separate container add about a cup of apple cider/juice to the chopped dried apples and microwave for 2minutes ( or bring the juice to a simmer and add to the apples) allow to cool covered in the refrigerator.

Step 4: Build It

time to dump and stir, dump and stir, dump and stir some more ....
 I went by eye on this step (imagine that) about 2/3's of the package of raisins, cranberries, and crushed pecans got stirred in, followed by the semi-reconstituted apple pieces. At this point I was out of room in my bowl so I transferred everything to a casserole dish and then stirred in about 2 handfuls of mini marshmallows. Now cover the dish and refrigerate over night or at least 4 hrs, stir and re-prettify before serving at room temperature

Step 5: Enjoy

This can be served as is or over yogurt or vanilla ice cream

 KICK it up (for adults only) by using apple brandy to soak the apples in