Introduction: Apple and Honey Smoothie

This apple, honey and cinnamon smoothie is a delicious breakfast treat that you can make today! It has a flavour reminiscent of apple crumble and you can change the flavours slightly depending on your taste. I decided to make this smoothie when my little brother came downstairs this morning; I was able to make this sweet treat for him very quickly and he really enjoyed it! This recipe will serve 2.

Step 1: Ingredients:

  • 1 apple
  • 1.5-2 tablespoons of honey
  • 0.5 pint of milk
  • 0.5-1 teaspoon of cinnamon
  • Handful of chopped hazelnuts

These ingredients can be changed according to your taste, e.g. more honey for a sweeter taste, or less for a more subtle flavour. I recommend going easy to start with, too much can make it sickly!

These ingredients will usually serve two, but of course you can double, triple etc. if you wish to serve more people (or if you love smoothies).

Step 2: Peel and Slice the Apple:

First peel the apple completely, then you can either chop the apple into quarters and core with a knife or you can use an apple corer and slicer as I did. I demonstrate both methods in the photos. You should cut the slices into small chunks because it makes it easier to blend.

Step 3: Mix the Ingredients:

Now put the sliced apple chunks into a bowl, after this you can add however much cinnamon and honey you would like. I recommend using 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, or less, any more and you could make your smoothie too rich.

Step 4: Blend the Ingredients:

Place all of the liquid and solid ingredients into a blender, and make sure you have that lid pressed down fully! Blend it for quite a long time because you don't want any little apple chunks left when you come to serve the smoothie.

Step 5: Finish and Serve:

Now you can pour your tasty smoothie into a glass and add some finishing touches. Put whatever you like on top, but I sprinkled some chopped hazelnuts over it and drizzled some sweet honey to finish!


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Made By Bees Contest

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