Introduction: Applesauce Pie

About: I'm just a random crafter who likes to make things out of stuff that would normally be thrown away!

This pie is so delicious and truly easy to make. It came about because I'm the babysitter for a friend of mine that has four preteens that are always hungry; (though sometimes it feels like there are 30 preteens in that house.) Every Friday all four kids come home with a snack bag from the school that are filled with snacks like raisins, oatmeal, pudding, and granola bars. But more than anything else they send applesauce cups. It got to the point one day I opened the cabinet and an avalanche of snacks hit me. I decided then and there that I was coming up with a recipe to use up the snacks. First I actually whipped up some apple oatmeal cookies to use the oatmeal and applesauce. I put a nice dent in the oatmeal but barely touched the applesauce cups. So I tried my hand at making a pie, and to my absolute shock it was good.... and I mean really good. This pie is now a favorite for every kid in her house. I hope you give this a recipe a try. Start to finish this pie takes an hour.

Step 1: What You'll Need


-2 eggs

-3/4 cup sugar *plus a pinch to sprinkle on the pie when done baking.

-1/2 cup very soft or melted butter

-1 cup sweetened applesauce *You can use unsweetened applesauce, just increase the sugar to a full cup.

-2 tablespoons flour

-2 tablespoons lemon juice

-1/2 teaspoon vanilla

-few pinches of cinnamon

For my crust I'm using a store bought dough but this pie works great with any dough recipe.

I also used a 9 inch pie pan, measuring cups/spoons, mixing bowl and utensils.

Step 2: Dry Ingredients

To get started I preheated my oven to 350.

In my large mixing bowl I mixed my flour and sugar.

Step 3: Add Wet Ingredients

Next I added my butter to my dry mix, then added my lemon juice, vanilla, eggs, and applesauce.

Mix well.

Step 4:

Next I unrolled my pie dough and pressed it into my pie pan.

I poured my applesauce mixture into my pan then sprinkled the top with cinnamon.

It gets baked at 350 for 45 mins.

Step 5:

After 45 mins, the pie comes out.

I immediately took a pinch of sugar and sprinkled it on my hot pie.

Let it stand about 10 mins and then enjoy.