Introduction: Arduino Based Digital Temperature Sensor
Temperature Sensors are a real common thing these days, but most of them are extremely complicated to make or extremely expensive to buy for.This project gives you a Arduino Based Digital Temperature Sensor which not only is cheap and very easy to make and gives you exact readings. This sensor gives the temperature is different units and can be used in any condition. When we turn on the sensor it takes a few seconds to calibrate the readings after which it gives the resultant value. The Sensor detects a change in the temperature therefore producing a voltage that is the processed by the Arduino and gives us a exact temperature reading.It cost me Rs. 750 for making this project.So Lets get Started.
Step 1: Components Required
1. Arduino UNO board and Ethernet Cable
2. 16X2 LCD
3. LM35 Temperature Sensor
4. Bread Board
5. Potentiometer 103
6. Male - Male Jumper Wires - 30
7. 9V Battery and Battery Connector
Step 2: Connections to Be Made:
> Connect LCD PIN 1 to Ground and PIN 2 to Supply respectively.
> Connect LCD PIN 3 to the 10K Potentiometer and connect rest of the terminals to the ground.
> Connect LCD PIN 15 to Ground and PIN 16 to Supply respectively.
> Connect LCD PINS D4,D5,D6 and D7 to PINS 5 - 2 of the Arduino.
> Connect LCD PIN 4(RS) to PIN 7 of the Arduino.
> Connect LCD PIN 5(RW) to Ground.
> Connect LCD PIN 6(E) to PIN 6 of the Arduino.
> Attach the LM35 to the Bread Board.
> Take the output of the LM35 i.e. PIN 2 of the LM35 and connect it to the Analog Input Ao of the Arduino.
The Rest of the Connections made are to connect the Two Breadboards together.
After Finishing All the Connections, Its Time To Code.
Step 3: CODE :
The Given Code must be uploaded into the Arduino UNO Board through the Ethernet Cable after entering the code in the Arduino Software after selecting the board - Arduino/Genuino UNO and programmer - ArduinoISP.
The Code is Available Below -
After Uploading the code to the board, disconnect the Ethernet Cable.
Now, connect the power supply as shown in the image and check whether the LCD has turned on.
If the LCD is not on, then check the connections on the Breadboards and tighten the connections and check whether the code is typed properly and try again.
For more experience check out the video attached!!