Introduction: Arduino Controlled Turret

this battery shooting turret is fully controlled and moved by Arduino. It requires very dangerous work and supplies

that can steal your life. So I have one word: BE CAREFUL!!!


you will need:

  • a ball bearing
  • an m-80 or m-90 firecracker
  • glue
  • Arduino mega or uno
  • micro servo
  • 23A 12V battery
  • a strip of paper
  • two wires

Step 1: The Tube

apply glue to one end of the strip. put the battery at the other end and roll it up completely.

make sure the battery fits very snugly in the tube.

Step 2: Fillament

make a filament at the end of the wires then secure the filament inside the tube.

Step 3: TNT

be very, very careful. this step could end your life. gently pry open the top of the firecracker and dump out the contents.

carefully put the powder into the tube and seal it with very quick drying epoxy.

Step 4: Servo

Glue the ball bearing to the tube. Then attach the servo to the bearing with tape. add the filament wires to 5V and gnd pins on the Arduino. connect the servo to the Arduino

Step 5: Code

// Include the Servo library
// Declare the Servo pin
int servoPin = 3;
// Create a servo object
Servo Servo1;
void setup() {
// We need to attach the servo to the used pin number
void loop(){
// Make servo go to 0 degrees
// Make servo go to 90 degrees
// Make servo go to 180 degrees

Step 6: Test It, and You're Done

Test It, And You're Done!!! And stay safe