Introduction: Arduino Ethernet DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Logging, Mobile Stats
With Arduino UNO R3, Ethernet Shield AND DHT11 you can log temperature
and humidity data outside, in room, greenhouse, lab, cooling room or any other places completely free. This example we will use to log room temperature and humidity. Device will be connected to internet via Ethernet ADSL Router. You will be able to check latest readings on your mobile phone, desktop or any other device with browser.
You can purchase needed devices here (minimal required):
Ethernet Shield for Arduino UNO
Also nice to have:
Experimental Platform for Arduino
USB charger to Power your device
This also tested/works with DHT22 or industrial AM2305 sensor
Step 1: Add Your Device to LoggingPlatform
Here you can add your device to get api keys needed later:
Step 2: Hardware Connection
Connect Shield to Arduino
Connect USB to PC
Connect DHT11 Out to Ethernet shield PIN 3
Connect DHT11 + to Ethernet shield 3V
Connect DHT11 – to Ethernet shield GND
Diagram example on picture
Step 3: Upload Software Needed to Device (Windows Guide)
Download and install Arduino IDE:
Connect device to USB on your Windows PC, and install drivers if needed Run Arduino IDE
Select COM port (this is usually larger number if you don’t have other devices connected), image 1
Select Board type, image 2
Download and open source code with Arduino IDE
Change this parameters from loggingforest platform: , image 3
Step 4: Check Data on Mobile or Desktop
After that your device will start sending data to loggingforest and you can see it there
In loggingforest device edit just define parameters name and values as image 1
Click on preview, image 2
And you will see nice data, image 3
Feel free to comment and share your logger