Introduction: Arduino Garage Parking Assistant
What is it?
The Arduino Parking Assistant really resolves the issue that bad drivers will hit their own house's wall when driving into the garage. Maybe even when backing up into the garage. It uses a set of RGB LED strips to warn drivers when to stop and it can be modified to make a sound to warn drivers as well. This project is suitable for high school students to make and to learn since soldering iron might be used during the process.
Learning Objective:
This lesson applies the standard of using manufacturing technologies. It is said that "the manufacturing process includes the designing, development, making, and servicing of products and system." Plus, "Manufactured goods may be classified as durable and non-durable." For this project, I would say that it is very durable. Overall, students will be able to make a durable Arduino kit after designing, developing, making process. Plus, they need to know how to service it and maintain it till it lasts. Also, standard 17-P is also included: "There are many ways to communicate information, such as graphic and electronic means." This little can really warn drivers in different ways. (sound, graphic, and maybe even vibrations)
Step 1: Getting Everything Prepared
Preparing all the materials. We will need these materials and tools:
1. Diodes X1 $0.47 (100 packs)
2. 470-ohm resistors X2 $0.82 (100 packs)
3. Breadboard for building the circuit X1 $36 (comes with a kit)
4. Arduino UNO R3 to process all the signals X1 $35 (comes with a kit)
5. 1000uf capacitor for storing the electricity X1 $0.88 (100 packs)
6. Wire stripper X1
7. Hot Glue Gun X1
8. 3D printer X1
9. Soldering iron X1
Additional necessary supplies may be required to make this project
Step 2: Getting Start to Build
Some of the parts should be 3D printed as well. I will be posting some of the 3D files here as well to assist the build. These parts can be 3D printed easily and they will be used to build this project. For the basic wiring diagram, I will show how this can be done properly.
Step 3: Continue Building the Project
Getting started to plug all the parts on the breadboard based on the wiring diagram that I’ve given. Knowing to distinguish the polarity on each terminal is important and is aware of all the details during the whole build process.
Step 4: To Program It
Getting start to program the Arduino UNO by plugging it into a laptop. I will include the comments with codes to further explain how each row of the codes works. All the codes can be easily understood and students can finish up the coding process on their own without too much effort.
Step 5: Troubleshooting
Getting start to troubleshoot your circuit and to test your build. Keep an eye on your RGB LED strips to see if they will react along with your ultrasonic sensor. They should turn to the Red color once you put your hands on the ultrasonic sensor. Red means stop your vehicle, it will alert you when you should stop your vehicle promptly.
Step 6: To Assemble the Entire Project
Getting start to mount everything back to the box. I didn’t print out these miscellaneous parts on my own, but I will be providing these parts to students for them to build.
Step 7: Final Check
Checking your connections again because you are converting 110V to 5V for the power supply unit. Make sure that they don’t get overheated otherwise you may get some troubles. The power should only be turned on when the garage door is opened up. With that being said, the power supply wire should be tapped onto the garage opener. Make sure that you have good connections with those parts. (Always test the whole assembly on your workbench before you start to take it in your garage. It will save some time for you)