Introduction: Arduino LCD Stick Man Game!
hey there Electronic Enthusiasts!
Kids, Adults, Seniors, in fact everyone loves games! so here is another Awesome Project based on Arduino, yes its a GAME, follow this pretty INSTRUCTABLE to make your own Arduino LCD Stick Man Game!
Step 1: Watch the Video!
Step 2: Gather the Material
for this project, we will require the following Material
A. Electronics
1. Arduino Nano :
2. I2C LCD Display :
3. Push Button :
4. Wire :
B. Misc
1. Case :
C. Tools
1. Solder Iron :
2. Wire Stripper :
3. HotGlue Gun :
Step 3: Upload the Code to Arduino
<p>#include <Liquidcrystal_i2c.h> <liquidcrystal_i2c.h>#include <wire.h><wire.h></wire.h></liquidcrystal_i2c.h></p><p>#define PIN_BUTTON 2 #define PIN_AUTOPLAY 1 #define PIN_READWRITE 10 #define PIN_CONTRAST 7</p><p>#define SPRITE_RUN1 1 #define SPRITE_RUN2 2 #define SPRITE_JUMP 3 #define SPRITE_JUMP_UPPER '.' // Use the '.' character for the head #define SPRITE_JUMP_LOWER 4 #define SPRITE_TERRAIN_EMPTY ' ' // User the ' ' character #define SPRITE_TERRAIN_SOLID 5 #define SPRITE_TERRAIN_SOLID_RIGHT 6 #define SPRITE_TERRAIN_SOLID_LEFT 7</p><p>#define HERO_HORIZONTAL_POSITION 1 // Horizontal position of hero on screen</p><p>#define TERRAIN_WIDTH 16 #define TERRAIN_EMPTY 0 #define TERRAIN_LOWER_BLOCK 1 #define TERRAIN_UPPER_BLOCK 2</p><p>#define HERO_POSITION_OFF 0 // Hero is invisible #define HERO_POSITION_RUN_LOWER_1 1 // Hero is running on lower row (pose 1) #define HERO_POSITION_RUN_LOWER_2 2 // (pose 2)</p><p>#define HERO_POSITION_JUMP_1 3 // Starting a jump #define HERO_POSITION_JUMP_2 4 // Half-way up #define HERO_POSITION_JUMP_3 5 // Jump is on upper row #define HERO_POSITION_JUMP_4 6 // Jump is on upper row #define HERO_POSITION_JUMP_5 7 // Jump is on upper row #define HERO_POSITION_JUMP_6 8 // Jump is on upper row #define HERO_POSITION_JUMP_7 9 // Half-way down #define HERO_POSITION_JUMP_8 10 // About to land</p><p>#define HERO_POSITION_RUN_UPPER_1 11 // Hero is running on upper row (pose 1) #define HERO_POSITION_RUN_UPPER_2 12 // (pose 2)</p><p>LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2);</p><p>static char terrainUpper[TERRAIN_WIDTH + 1]; static char terrainLower[TERRAIN_WIDTH + 1]; static bool buttonPushed = false;</p><p>void initializeGraphics() { static byte graphics[] =</p><p> { // Run position 1 B01100, B01100, B00000, B01110, B11100, B01100, B11010, B10011, // Run position 2 B01100, B01100, B00000, B01100, B01100, B01100, B01100, B01110, // Jump B01100, B01100, B00000, B11110, B01101, B11111, B10000, B00000, // Jump lower B11110, B01101, B11111, B10000, B00000, B00000, B00000, B00000, // Ground B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111, // Ground right B00011, B00011, B00011, B00011, B00011, B00011, B00011, B00011, // Ground left B11000, B11000, B11000, B11000, B11000, B11000, B11000, B11000, }; int i; // Skip using character 0, this allows lcd.print() to be used to // quickly draw multiple characters for (i = 0; i < 7; ++i)</p><p> { lcd.createChar(i + 1, &graphics[i * 8]); } for (i = 0; i < TERRAIN_WIDTH; ++i) { terrainUpper[i] = SPRITE_TERRAIN_EMPTY; terrainLower[i] = SPRITE_TERRAIN_EMPTY; } }</p><p>// Slide the terrain to the left in half-character increments // void advanceTerrain(char* terrain, byte newTerrain) { for (int i = 0; i < TERRAIN_WIDTH; ++i) { char current = terrain[i]; char next = (i == TERRAIN_WIDTH - 1) ? newTerrain : terrain[i + 1]; switch (current) { case SPRITE_TERRAIN_EMPTY: terrain[i] = (next == SPRITE_TERRAIN_SOLID) ? SPRITE_TERRAIN_SOLID_RIGHT : SPRITE_TERRAIN_EMPTY; break; case SPRITE_TERRAIN_SOLID: terrain[i] = (next == SPRITE_TERRAIN_EMPTY) ? SPRITE_TERRAIN_SOLID_LEFT : SPRITE_TERRAIN_SOLID; break; case SPRITE_TERRAIN_SOLID_RIGHT: terrain[i] = SPRITE_TERRAIN_SOLID; break; case SPRITE_TERRAIN_SOLID_LEFT: terrain[i] = SPRITE_TERRAIN_EMPTY; break; } } }</p><p>bool drawHero(byte position, char* terrainUpper, char* terrainLower, unsigned int score) { bool collide = false; char upperSave = terrainUpper[HERO_HORIZONTAL_POSITION]; char lowerSave = terrainLower[HERO_HORIZONTAL_POSITION]; byte upper, lower; switch (position) { case HERO_POSITION_OFF: upper = lower = SPRITE_TERRAIN_EMPTY; break; case HERO_POSITION_RUN_LOWER_1: upper = SPRITE_TERRAIN_EMPTY; lower = SPRITE_RUN1; break; case HERO_POSITION_RUN_LOWER_2: upper = SPRITE_TERRAIN_EMPTY; lower = SPRITE_RUN2; break; case HERO_POSITION_JUMP_1: case HERO_POSITION_JUMP_8: upper = SPRITE_TERRAIN_EMPTY; lower = SPRITE_JUMP; break; case HERO_POSITION_JUMP_2: case HERO_POSITION_JUMP_7: upper = SPRITE_JUMP_UPPER; lower = SPRITE_JUMP_LOWER; break; case HERO_POSITION_JUMP_3: case HERO_POSITION_JUMP_4: case HERO_POSITION_JUMP_5: case HERO_POSITION_JUMP_6: upper = SPRITE_JUMP; lower = SPRITE_TERRAIN_EMPTY; break; case HERO_POSITION_RUN_UPPER_1: upper = SPRITE_RUN1; lower = SPRITE_TERRAIN_EMPTY; break; case HERO_POSITION_RUN_UPPER_2: upper = SPRITE_RUN2; lower = SPRITE_TERRAIN_EMPTY; break; } if (upper != ' ') </p><p>{ terrainUpper[HERO_HORIZONTAL_POSITION] = upper; collide = (upperSave == SPRITE_TERRAIN_EMPTY) ? false : true; } if (lower != ' ') </p><p>{ terrainLower[HERO_HORIZONTAL_POSITION] = lower; collide |= (lowerSave == SPRITE_TERRAIN_EMPTY) ? false : true; }</p><p> byte digits = (score > 9999) ? 5 : (score > 999) ? 4 : (score > 99) ? 3 : (score > 9) ? 2 : 1;</p><p> // Draw the scene terrainUpper[TERRAIN_WIDTH] = '\0'; terrainLower[TERRAIN_WIDTH] = '\0'; char temp = terrainUpper[16 - digits]; terrainUpper[16 - digits] = '\0'; lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(terrainUpper); terrainUpper[16 - digits] = temp; lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(terrainLower);</p><p> lcd.setCursor(16 - digits, 0); lcd.print(score);</p><p> terrainUpper[HERO_HORIZONTAL_POSITION] = upperSave; terrainLower[HERO_HORIZONTAL_POSITION] = lowerSave; return collide; }</p><p> // Handle the button push as an interrupt void buttonPush()</p><p> { buttonPushed = true; }</p><p>void setup() </p><p>{ pinMode(PIN_READWRITE, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(PIN_READWRITE, LOW); pinMode(PIN_CONTRAST, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(PIN_CONTRAST, LOW); pinMode(PIN_BUTTON, INPUT); digitalWrite(PIN_BUTTON, HIGH); pinMode(PIN_AUTOPLAY, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(PIN_AUTOPLAY, HIGH); lcd.init(); lcd.backlight();</p><p> // Digital pin 2 maps to interrupt 0 attachInterrupt(0/*PIN_BUTTON*/, buttonPush, FALLING);</p><p> initializeGraphics();</p><p> lcd.begin(16, 2); }</p><p>void loop() </p><p>{ static byte heroPos = HERO_POSITION_RUN_LOWER_1; static byte newTerrainType = TERRAIN_EMPTY; static byte newTerrainDuration = 1; static bool playing = false; static bool blink = false; static unsigned int distance = 0;</p><p> if (!playing)</p><p> { drawHero((blink) ? HERO_POSITION_OFF : heroPos, terrainUpper, terrainLower, distance >> 3); if (blink) </p><p>{ lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("Press Start"); } delay(250); blink = !blink; if (buttonPushed) </p><p>{ initializeGraphics(); heroPos = HERO_POSITION_RUN_LOWER_1; playing = true; buttonPushed = false; distance = 0; } return; }</p><p> // Shift the terrain to the left advanceTerrain(terrainLower, newTerrainType == TERRAIN_LOWER_BLOCK ? SPRITE_TERRAIN_SOLID : SPRITE_TERRAIN_EMPTY); advanceTerrain(terrainUpper, newTerrainType == TERRAIN_UPPER_BLOCK ? SPRITE_TERRAIN_SOLID : SPRITE_TERRAIN_EMPTY);</p><p> // Make new terrain to enter on the right if (--newTerrainDuration == 0)</p><p> { if (newTerrainType == TERRAIN_EMPTY)</p><p> { newTerrainType = (random(3) == 0) ? TERRAIN_UPPER_BLOCK : TERRAIN_LOWER_BLOCK; newTerrainDuration = 2 + random(10); }</p><p> else </p><p>{ newTerrainType = TERRAIN_EMPTY; newTerrainDuration = 10 + random(10); } }</p><p> if (buttonPushed)</p><p> {</p><p> if (heroPos <= HERO_POSITION_RUN_LOWER_2) heroPos = HERO_POSITION_JUMP_1; buttonPushed = false; }</p><p> if (drawHero(heroPos, terrainUpper, terrainLower, distance >> 3))</p><p> { playing = false; // The hero collided with something. Too bad. }</p><p> else</p><p> { if (heroPos == HERO_POSITION_RUN_LOWER_2 || heroPos == HERO_POSITION_JUMP_8) </p><p>{ heroPos = HERO_POSITION_RUN_LOWER_1; } else if ((heroPos >= HERO_POSITION_JUMP_3 && heroPos <= HERO_POSITION_JUMP_5) && terrainLower[HERO_HORIZONTAL_POSITION] != SPRITE_TERRAIN_EMPTY) { heroPos = HERO_POSITION_RUN_UPPER_1; } else if (heroPos >= HERO_POSITION_RUN_UPPER_1 && terrainLower[HERO_HORIZONTAL_POSITION] == SPRITE_TERRAIN_EMPTY) { heroPos = HERO_POSITION_JUMP_5; } else if (heroPos == HERO_POSITION_RUN_UPPER_2) { heroPos = HERO_POSITION_RUN_UPPER_1; } </p><p>else </p><p>{ ++heroPos; } ++distance;</p><p> digitalWrite(PIN_AUTOPLAY, terrainLower[HERO_HORIZONTAL_POSITION + 2] == SPRITE_TERRAIN_EMPTY ? HIGH : LOW); } delay(100); }</p>
upload the attached code into your Arduino Nano Board.
if you find difficulty in uploading the code, here is a video that will help you to solve those problems
CODE in.INO Format Attached in this step
Step 4: Connect the LCD and PUSH Button to Arduino
This is a simple arduino project, so in connections we just connected I2C L.C.D. display and a push button.
here is a video for I2C L.C.D. basics incase if you are new
Connection Summary
I2C LCD Display’s :
SCL- pin A5
SDA - pin A4
VCC - 5V
between pin D2 & GND.
Step 5: Mount LCD on the LEAD of BOX
to make the enclosure box, we will start with creating a slot for our LCD display on the LEAD of the Plastic box we choose for this project.
to Mount the LCD:
- Mark the edges of LCD screen on the LEAD of Container. ( Dimension of LCD are 70mm X 25mm)
- use a ruler to draw accurate and straight lines along the edges of LCD.
- use a BOX Cutter to cut the marked area along the lines we created.
- Mark the holes using a CD marker with reference of holes on LCDs PCB board. (size of Holes is M3)
- using a hand Drill, plot the holes on the LEAD of BOX.
- mount the LCD and fix it with the M3 bolts and nuts.
Step 6: Mount the PUSH BUTTON
the Push Button is used to interact with the user, it provides INPUT to the arduino.
to mount the Push Button:
- Mark the diameter of the switch using a CD marker.
- use hand drill to make a pilot hole and increase the hole using box cutter or use soler iron to directly create a hole for the required size.
- using the nut, fix the switch to the lead of the container.
Step 7: Mount the Arduino Inside BOX
to mount the ARDUINO inside the BOX, we will first need to make a slot on the BOX for USB to pop in.
to Mount ARDUINO:
- Using a permanent marker, copy the outlines of USB port of arduino
- using a Box Cutter, cut the slot for USB port.
- using the hot glue gun, fix the arduino nano in such a way that usb port comes out of the slot we created and thus usb port is accessible.
Step 8: Final Touch Up
to finish up this project,
run the wires using Zip Ties for cable management to make things look as clean as possible.
also you can color the box to make it look like your dream Xbox Machine.
use stickers or branding ( in case if you are a youtuber or instagramer) to personalize your gameboy.
Step 9: Make Your Own HighScore!
do you think you are the best?
beat my high score 61 and tag me in your stories