Introduction: Arduino Meteo Station With Ethernet

About: I am an eight grade student and I just love making cool (sometimes maybe even useful) devices.

I made a meteorologic station connected to internet with price from 50 to 100€ , depening on what do you have home already (like project boxes, resistors or wall bracket) . This meteo station will be sending data to cloud. My station is located at Bratislava, Slovakia. Testing page:

Step 1: Components

Step 2: Usefull Tools

-stripping and crimping tool

-battery drill

-soldering iron


-screwdriver set

-glue gun


-tree drill bit

-file tool

Step 3: Schematics, Connections

Now, we have sucesfully connected shields. Now put it all together for a small prototype. We can´t use pins 10,11,12 and 13 because that uses ethernet shield. Debuging circuit is avatiable at rain gauge problem step.

Step 4: Terminal Box

Terminal box is very important part of this station. There are sensors of humidity and pressure and also, there comes every cable.

Step 5: DS18B20 Radiation Shield (optional)

Radiation shield is very good thing but it's very expensive so I decided to build my own.

Something similar to this (but smaller) :

Also check out my mini tutorial for radiation shield here:

Step 6: UV Sensor Box

In UV sensor box is UV sensor and it is also way between terminal box and rainfall sensor.

Step 7: Rain Gauge Problem

I have a click rain gauge and it works fine. But when you add other components and arduino processor is busy it just don't work. I solved this by adding one additional processor (arduino pro mini) sending data to uno by I2c. I am using the MasterReader SlaveWriter protocol.

The arduino pro mini will have just two tasks: measuring rainfall and sending it to the uno.

Step 8: Server Rack (optional)

Ethernet shield is overheating so I decided to build a server rack. The rack will provide cooling , organisation, notification and power.

Step 9: Shield Problem

When you are connecting shields together you find simple problem. Ethernet shield needs to be connected with ICSP protocol and protoshield hasn´t ICSP connector. And you can´t put protoshield to a ethernet shield. So you need to get saw and cut small piece of protoshield.

You cut two sides and then you must cut center with very sharp tool and then, you complete it with a file.

Step 10: CODE/s

You only need to change IP address in code.

pro mini code: I2c_rain_sender.ino

testing code: test_sensors_2_.ino

final code: meteorologic_station_final.ino

Step 11: Data Sending

Now we have fully working prototype but if you are not connected to your home network you can't find your web page. You need static IP address.

Check out this:

My testing page is:

Step 12: Grafana

In my web page as you can see there is just text data. My future plan is to add graphs in grafana software.

Step 13: App (Optional)

I also made an app in App inventor 2 that can show you data from meteo station. It is very simple but it is just example-you can upgrade it.

Step 14: Instalation

Ok. We have completed hardware so we can put it on roof. This part is little bit harder. Some of you can do it myself but if you can not you need professional electrician. Arduino will be inside so .

Step 15: Done

Congratulations. If you did all steps correctly you have fully working web server meteorologic station.

If you have some questions or tips tell me in the comment section I will be glad.

Internet of Things Contest 2017

Participated in the
Internet of Things Contest 2017