Introduction: Arduino Mini Shields Construction

About: Hello, I am 17 year old innovator living in India. My interest lies in Electronics. Surf through my creations and enjoy!!!!1

Presented Here are the Arduino Mini Shields. These Shields are very easy and fun to make. Arduino shields are very useful for the Arduino to help you out in some very common projects like IR Communication, Relay Controlling, etc. This shields are also portable. You can also make your own custom Mini Arduino Shields. It is a Great IOT Project to make.

In this project, I experienced that Each Shield is like a mini electronic Project. And I think it would be nice project for Beginners in Arduino. I first of all Made the Relay Shield. I started making week ago and one by one I completed all six of them. Now, I have presented here Six Arduino Shields.

1. IR Communication Shield

2. Debouncing A Button Shield

3. Light Sensing Shield

4. D-Pad Shield

5. Seven Segment Display Shield

6. Relay Shield.

I have also provided codes for testing your mini shields and to show that all shields are fully functional. you can also make a Custom Shield of Mini Shields

I am sure you would find the instructable Interesting.


Step 1: Components for Debouncing a Button Shield

Here are the list of Components for Debouncing A Button Shield:

1. 220 ohm Resistor

2. LED

3. 10k Resistor

4. 4 pin Connector

Step 2: Debouncing a Button

Here is the making of the Shield "Debouncing A Button". Sometimes we press a button but it does not count in the counter. Even if you press 10 times, it can count only to 5 or 6 times. In bouncing, the contact of the switch is made only one side and not both the side and then it contacts both the side. We will study the bouncing phenomena with the help of this shield and the code provided in the next step.

Circuit Diagram is also provided in the images.

In the circuit we have a tactile switch connected across pin no. 2 of Arduino UNO and VCC.

10k Resistor is placed across GND and Pin no. 2 of Arduino.

220 ohm resistor is connected to pin no. 13 and it is connected to positive terminal of the LED and negative terminal of the LED is connected to GND.

So, there we have a complete Debouncing A Button Shield.

Now, connect the shield to Arduino and apply the code from the next step. Press the button couple of times to see how it responds..

Step 3: Code for Debouncing a Button Shield


Step 4: Components for Seven Segment Display Shield

1. Seven Segment Display

2. 8 pin Connector

3. 100 ohm Resistor

Step 5: Seven Segment Display Shield

In Seven Segment Display Shield we would try to Interface the Seven Segment Display to the Arduino. We will then with the help of code try to make a 0-9 Display.

Circuit Diagram is there in the images. You can follow it.

Connections of Seven Segment Display are as follows:

PIN2 to PIN 5

PIN4 C to PIN 4

PIN6 to PIN 3

PIN7 to PIN 2

PIN9 to PIN 7


PIN3 to ground through 100Ω resistor.

Now, our Seven Segment Shield is ready.

Step 6: Code for Seven Segment Display Shield

#define segA 2//connecting segment A to PIN2
#define segB 3// connecting segment B to PIN3

#define segC 4// connecting segment C to PIN4

#define segD 5// connecting segment D to PIN5

#define segE 6// connecting segment E to PIN6

#define segF 7// connecting segment F to PIN7

#define segG 8// connecting segment G to PIN8

int COUNT=0;//count integer for 0-9 increment

void setup()


for (int i=2;i<9;i++)


pinMode(i, OUTPUT);// taking all pins from 2-8 as output



void loop()


switch (COUNT)


case 0://when count value is zero show”0” on disp

digitalWrite(segA, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segB, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segC, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segD, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segE, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segF, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segG, LOW);


case 1:// when count value is 1 show”1” on disp

digitalWrite(segA, LOW);

digitalWrite(segB, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segC, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segD, LOW);

digitalWrite(segE, LOW);

digitalWrite(segF, LOW);

digitalWrite(segG, LOW);


case 2:// when count value is 2 show”2” on disp

digitalWrite(segA, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segB, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segC, LOW);

digitalWrite(segD, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segE, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segF, LOW);

digitalWrite(segG, HIGH);


case 3:// when count value is 3 show”3” on disp

digitalWrite(segA, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segB, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segC, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segD, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segE, LOW);

digitalWrite(segF, LOW);

digitalWrite(segG, HIGH);


case 4:// when count value is 4 show”4” on disp

digitalWrite(segA, LOW);

digitalWrite(segB, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segC, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segD, LOW);

digitalWrite(segE, LOW);

digitalWrite(segF, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segG, HIGH);


case 5:// when count value is 5 show”5” on disp

digitalWrite(segA, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segB, LOW);

digitalWrite(segC, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segD, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segE, LOW);

digitalWrite(segF, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segG, HIGH);


case 6:// when count value is 6 show”6” on disp

digitalWrite(segA, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segB, LOW);

digitalWrite(segC, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segD, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segE, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segF, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segG, HIGH);


case 7:// when count value is 7 show”7” on disp

digitalWrite(segA, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segB, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segC, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segD, LOW);

digitalWrite(segE, LOW);

digitalWrite(segF, LOW);

digitalWrite(segG, LOW);


case 8:// when count value is 8 show”8” on disp

digitalWrite(segA, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segB, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segC, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segD, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segE, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segF, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segG, HIGH);


case 9:// when count value is 9 show”9” on disp

digitalWrite(segA, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segB, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segC, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segD, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segE, LOW);

digitalWrite(segF, HIGH);

digitalWrite(segG, HIGH);




if (COUNT<10)



delay(1000);///increment count integer for every second


if (COUNT==10)


COUNT=0;// if count integer value is equal to 10, reset it to zero.




Step 7: Components for Relay Shield

1. 6v Relay

2. 4k7 Resistor

3. 1k Resistor

4. LED

5. 1N4148 Diode or 1N4007 Diode

6. BC 547 Transistor

Step 8: Relay Shield

In the Relay Shield we will power or control the relay with the help of ARDUINO. You can connect the NO, NC AND C Accordingly as per the circuit Diagram.

In the circuit, to the positive power supply, Positive terminal of the LED is connected through a 1k Resistor and negative terminal of 1N4148 Diode is connected and positive terminal of it is connected to negative terminal of the LED.

Coil of the Relay is attached across 1N4148 Diode's Terminals. Collector the BC 547 Transistor is connected to positive terminal of the 1N4148 Diode and emitter is connected to Ground. BASE is connected to pin no. 2 of Arduino through a 4k7 Resistor.

Now, our relay shield is Ready.

Step 9: Components of D Pad Shield

1. 4 x Tactile Switches

2. 5 pin Connector

Step 10: D-Pad Button Sheild

Here is the D-Pad Mini shield. It is the Directional input for Arduino. By applying the code and making the circuit you can get the display of the Directions you input.

Make the circuit for the D-pad shield according to the circuit Diagram provide here.

Here one terminal of all 4 Buttons are connected to Ground.

UPPER BUTTON is connected to pin no. 2 of Arduino.

RIGHT BUTTON is connected to pin no. 3 of Arduino.

LEFT BUTTON is connected to pin no. 4 of Arduino.

DOWN BUTTON is connected to pin no. 5 of Arduino.

Now, you D-pad Shield is ready and code is available at next step. You can go through this website for complete information:

Step 11: Code for D-Pad Mini Shield


Step 12: Components for Light Sensing Shield

1. LDR

2. LED

3. 4k7 Resistor

4. 4 pin connector

Step 13: Light Sensing Shield

In this Light Sensing Shied, Light is sensed through LDR. The circuit is to be made according to the circuit Diagram and the Code is there in the next step.

In the circuit Diagram, LDR is connected across A0 Pin and VCC Of teh Arduino.

Negative Terminal of the LED is connected to A0 pin through a 4k7 Resistor and positive terminal is connected to pin no. 3 of Arduino.

Now, Our Light Sensing Shield is ready.

Step 14: Code for Light Sensing Shield


Step 15: Components of the IR Communication Shield


2. TSOP 1738

3. 100 ohm Resistor

4. Tactile Switch

5. 5 pin Connector

Step 16: IR Communication Shield

In the IR Communication Shield, we will interface the IR LED and TSOP to the Arduino. As you tap the switch IR LED will transmit IR Rays. TSOP does the work of Receiver.

You can make the circuit by following the circuit Diagram.

You can find the code here:

Here positive terminal of the IR LED is connected to pin no. 3 of the Arduino through 100 ohm Resistor. A switch is connected between GND and Vin Pin of the Arduino.

3rd Pin of TSOP is connected to VCC of Arduino.

2nd Pin of TSOP is connected to -ve of Arduino.

1st pin of TSOP is connected to 11 pin of Arduino.

Now ,your IR Communication Shield is also Ready.

Step 17: Thank You

I hope you found it useful and interesting.

Have a Nice Day

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