Introduction: Arduino Programing With Python

In this article, we are going to control Arduino with GUI python.

working with python is very easy. I am going to share every step in detail from beginning.

Step 1: Materials

Step 2: Python Installation

Download python from the official website:-

also, check the path set.

Step 3:

After successful installation of python, we have to install pyserial library.

If you are using python 3 Tkinter preinstalled in it. For installation of the library go to command prompt to open it simply press window key + r run window pop up in front of you and type cmd press enter. A black window pops out front of your screen.

Step 4:

To install pyserial library type following command on your command prompt.

pip install pyserial

Step 5: Arduino Programing

upload the following code in your aduino.

leave you Arduino connected and run the python code share bellow

Step 6:

Replace "com13" port with your own Arduino port. you will find it on tools>port in Arduino ide.

Step 7: Connections

Connect positive of led to arduino pin number 9 and negative with arduino ground

Step 8:

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