Introduction: Arduino Servos Tutorial

I will walk you through the process of spinning a Arduino servo motor.


1 Arduino board

1 Arduino SG90 Servo

Step 1: Gnd and 5V Wires

Connect the servo red wire to 5V.

Connect the servo black wire to Gnd.

Step 2: The Pin

Attach the other wire to a pin of your choice... As long as you change it in the code.

Step 3: Remember to Code Every Single Time!

// Include the Servo library


// Declare the Servo pin

int servoPin = 7;

// Create a servo object

Servo Servo1;

void setup() {

// We need to attach the servo to the used pin number



void loop(){

// Make servo go to 0 degrees


delay(1000); // Make servo go to 90 degrees

Servo1.write(90); delay(1000); // Make servo go to 180 degrees

Servo1.write(180); delay(1000);


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