Introduction: Arduino Spider
This is my 1st upload so it probably isn't the best, I will upload the code I am using and a video showing how it works within the next couple days
Step 1: Parts
I used an arduino UNO rev3, a ping sensor and a spider bot from radio shack.
You will need to know how to solder and some programming basics
Step 2:
I soldered the ping sensor to a small board for convenience
Step 3:
I removed the top to the spider and the processor chip inside just leaving the wires to the motors attached.
I soldered longer wire onto the wires coming off of the motors
There is two motors that control the spider
- rotation
- leg movement
Step 4:
I zip tied a plastic mount onto the top of the spider for the arduino to sit on
Step 5:
Each motor connects to a pwm and a digital output on the arduino
Step 6:
The ping sensor sits on top of the arduino and plugs into 5v,gnd, and the sig plugs into digital 7
Step 7:
The whole thing runs off of 1 9v battery connected to the arduino