Introduction: Astro Sled

About: Made in Canada, I grew up crafting, making, and baking. Out of this love for designing and creating, I pursued a degree in product design from Parsons School of Design in NYC. Since then I've done work for Mar…

Growing up in Canada I used to have what we called 'Crazy Carpet' sleds. They were thick sheet plastic rectangles with holes cut out for handles. They went SUPER fast. (read: they were pretty dangerous)

What added to the danger/fun/terror was that the top was also slippery, so it was hard to stay on. The down side to this was that it was also hard to drive/maneuver. And because it was so thin and un-padded, you felt EVERY bump and rock you went over.

So for a recent trip up to Tahoe, I wanted to make a revamped version of my childhood favorite that would hopefully solve the two problems of comfort and control. Enter the Astro Sled!

Not only did it make hurtling down the 'almost' snow covered California mountains more comfortable, the grip that the astro turf provided allowed for total directional control which was helpful when heading straight for big exposed boulders...

Here's my quick, easy, and inexpensive way to customize your sledding adventures. Let's head for the hills!

Check out some of my other cold weather projects!:

Pocket Pancakes
Beer Koozie Mittens
Hot Toddy Recipe
Mason Jar Tea Set

Step 1: Supplies


* make one, make 10! They'd make fun gifts for the kids, nieces, nephews, grandkids, etc.
** Silicone adhesive or Household Goop also work well, they're just harder to spread and apply.


  • long metal ruler or straight edge
  • boxcutter knife with fresh blade
  • 30" x 50" piece of scrap wood

NOTE: Before you move onto the next step, be sure to acquaint yourself with the two sides of the plastic sled. There's a shinier side (the sledding side) and a dull/textured side (the non-sledding/ body side). You'll be gluing the textured side to the bottom of the astro turf.

Step 2: Get Sticky!

NOTE: It's best to do this step outside, in a well ventilated area that can handle a bit of sticky overspray.

Place the piece of astro turf green side down onto the surface you're going to spray on.

Standing upwind (or wearing a good respirator), spray a thick, even coat of adhesive onto the backside of the turf.

Step 3: Stick It

Quickly take the freshly sprayed piece of astro turf into your work area and place it green (non-sticky) side down on your work surface.

Lay the non-sledding side (the dull/textured side) of the sled carefully down onto the sticky backside of the astro turf, so that the whole sled will be within the borders of the turf.

Place toilet paper or paper towel over the remaining exposed edges of the sticky turf backside. This will keep the 'squish' board from getting stuck to it.

Step 4: Apply Pressure

Place the scrap board over the glued pieces and weight it down with plates or books.

Leave the glue to set/dry for however long it says to do so in the directions for your chosen adhesive.

Step 5: Wait...

Relax and enjoy the wild life while you wait for the glue to dry.

Step 6: Cut Prep

Once you've waited for the glue to dry, take the scrap wood and place it under the sled-to-be. It will be used as a cutting board.

Remove the paper from the edges of the turf.

Step 7: Cut a Rug (snicker)

Using your box cutter, first cut out the inside of the handles. Do it slowly and be careful not to cut into the plastic.

Repeat for the curvy outside of the handles.

Then, using your cutter and straight edge, cut off the excess astro turf from the edges of the sled.

Step 8:

And voila!! You have a customized snow ride! And the plus side of using faux grass, is the reminder that spring will eventually come again... :)

Have fun and play safe!