Introduction: Auto Page Flipper
navy= servo
yellow= hinge
red= PLA or anything else really
it's a pretty basic concept you tuck the coruled hand under your page and then when your done reading your page then you press the other hand (the flat one) and it will flip the page for you. You might be wondering, "how does the hand go back down? Do you have to manually put it back in place or is gravity, what is it?" well if you found it out already, good job you have a good eye, but if you didn't that's ok, What it actually is is the extra piece of pla on the flipper side. What that does is add an built in counter weight, what happens is very simple, when you flip the page the pressure coming from your hand (or finger) flips the contraptions hand but when you release that pressure then the counter weight puts it back in its place.
9v battery
flip switch
2 3in. (7.62 cm.) pieces of wire
Step 1: Step 1: Add Your Base
the base will ensure that nothing goes anywhere
Step 2: Step 2: Add an Arm
well, if your looking at it that way I guess you could call it an arm but is is what will be supporting most things on the flipper
Step 3: Step 3: Add Your Servo
if I'm being honest this is mostly optional it's just there so I can move the arm around in several different positions.
Step 4: Step 4: Add The... Forearm?
this just the part that spins around so you can put it in different positions
Step 5: Step 5: Add the Hand
this is the part that will hold the "wrist" in place
Step 6: Step 6: Add the Hinge
I know I know its blue so it's a servo but I accidentally forgot to change the color before I took the picture but just know, this is a hinge that will allow the hands to flip the page.
Step 7: Step 7: Add the Flipper
a the beginning I told you what it was but I'll tell you again just in case you didn't read it. What this piece does is flip the page and the counter weight on one side of the arm make it go back down with the help of gravity.
Step 8: Step 8: Finish!
this is where your done, but just in case I'll tell you what you need to do when connecting your servo to power,
step 1: solder two prongs of the switch to the negative side of the battery.
step 2: solder the negative side of the servo to the remaining prong on the switch and the positive prong onto the positive side of the battery
step 3: dome (for real this time)
(P.S.- use the wires on step 2 so you don't have to solder the battery straight to the servo)