Introduction: Automatic Night Lamp
Being fed up of turning lights outside on and off for night and day, I decided to make a simple relay controlled device which could do it automatically for me, Automatic Night Lamp works using simple principles of transistors and Light Dependent Resistors.
So lets get started.
Step 1: Things Needed
The components required to make this project are cheap and easily available at
1.) LDR (Light Dependent Resistor)
5.) 5V Relay (To control AC mains Lamp)
6.) 1N4001 Diode (For protecting the circuit from back emf from the coil of Relay)
Lets start building now!
Step 2: The Schematic
Connect everything to the schematic, I recommend first testing everything on the breadboard as I did in the Video tutorial before soldering everything on the breadboard.
Be sure to add the diode in reverse bias in order to protect the circuit from the back emf from the relay's coil.
Step 3: Testing the Project.
I advise to test the circuit on low voltage first, as I connected 12V LED strip instead of 220V mains for testing, and you're good to go.
Have fun
Thanks for reading.