Introduction: Avatarium
Avatarium is just aquarium jar combined with Pixella - Android smart led controller, make regular aquarium looks like in avatar world. For information about pixella please read the tutorial here : Meet Pixella!
What You Will Need :
Hardware :
- FTDI USB-To-TTL cable
- Bluetooth LE
- Arduino Pro Mini
- Jumper wire
- ws2812b led (Neopixel)
- Wall adapter or phone charger
- Breadboard
You can buy the parts wherever you want. Ex : Aliexpress, adafruit, ebay or on electronic local store.
Software :
DOWNLOAD Arduino code and Android app controller.
Step 1: Installation
- Open the file you have been downloaded and you will get full instruction about the hardware wiring and uploading sketch to arduino.
- Attach the tape on both ends of the led and then attach the led under the outer aquarium.
- Connect led to controller
Step 2: The Result
Now you can control the led color using android app, simple but with awesome features
For more information and help please add comment or contact me at
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I like to create things with fun, open minded people. Feel free to say hello! Thanks