Introduction: Babyfeet Loaf Halloween Party Main Dish
Here's the recipe for a perfect Halloween party main dish meal! BABY FEETLOAF! Super simple to make. Use your favorite meatloaf recipe or download, print and use my tried and true one. A few strategically placed slices of onion, vegetables and catsup on meat molded like babyfeet and you're alive & kickin'! So gross and so great!
Based on Feetloaf Disgustingly Delicious Main dish
The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out, the worms play pinochle on your snout... the pus comes out like whipping cream.. oh darn, I forgot my spoon...
Step 1: Prepare Ingredients
My basic meatloaf recipe
1 pound ground meat- bison, beef or turkey
3/4 cup rolled oats
2 eggs
1/4 cup milk
2 Tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon ground herbes de province or Italian herb blend
1/4 cup BBQ sauce (or 4 Tablespoons)
1 Tablespoons onion powder
2 teaspoons garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon celery seed
1 large carrot-chopped
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon pepper
Optional additions-1 whole, grated carrot or 1/2 bag of frozen mixed veggies, thawed. (Add 10 minutes cooking time if you add veggies frozen instead of thawed). I love to add the veggies then we just need mashed potato or rice and salad to complete the meal!
Garnish- catsup blood, celery, garlic cloves or onion toenails.
To serve with 'brains and toenails'
Prepare a head of cauliflower and onion slices. Arrange in baking dish. Sprinkle with balsamic vinegar, salt & pepper. Add 1 cup water. Cover and cook until fork tender, about 45-60 minutes, depending on how you done like it.
Step 2: Recipe Directions
Mix all ingredients except garnish together. I use a Kitchenaid mixer or mix together using food grade gloves or sandwich bags on your hands.
Use a 9 x 12" or similarly sized, rectangular pan. Divide mix into 8 equal balls of meatloaf. Use your hands to mold the feet making a foot and ankle. Slope the toes like a real foot, make left and right feet so you can pair them in the baking dish. Place sliced onions or garlic cut into toenail size pieces for nails. Hollow out a space in the ankle for some cauliflower or celery 'bones' to stick out.
Alternately you can use onion, potato or carrot in place of the celery to imitate the ankle bone.
Squirt with a generous amount of catsup 'blood'. Bake 350 degrees for 20-35 minutes, depending on how done you like your meatloaf cooked. I like mine almost burnt so I take it out to serve to my family who like it a little less done then bake some more for me!
Step 3: The Devil Is in the Details
Serve the babyfeet loaves, brains (cauliflower) and toenails (onion slices) on a bed of fly pupae 'maggots' (white rice) prepared according to directions on package. Or you can serve on top of mashed potatoes (pus). It makes me shudder & shiver just writing that!
Alternately, you can serve the feetloaf on top of spaghetti. Keep it simple by using a jar of your favorite marinara sauce. Toss with pasta, place in serving dish and top with Babyfeet. YUM!
Serve with a side salad and eat all the babies' feet! Certain to freak your dinner guests out! Perfect for a party. It's simple, sick things like this the kids and adults get such a kick out of and will look back on and remember.
Happy Halloween!