Introduction: Baby Yoda Phone Stand (from the Mandalorian)
So like many of you probably, I just finished watching the Mandalorian, and since there really isn't much in the way of Baby Yoda merch available, I thought I'd make something cool and useful for myself! This could make a great gift too!
Anycubic Photon Resin Printer:
3D Printing Resin: Black Spray Paint: Assorted Craft Paints: Chip Brushes: Scrap piece of Oak board Rocks from my backyard
Step 1: Printing Baby Yoda
I started my project by printing this baby yoda file: on my Anycubic Photon Resin 3D printer...if you don't have one, get one...resin printing is pretty incredible.
Step 2: Post Processing the Print
Luckily With Resin Prints, all you have to really do is clean it off and cure it. To do this, I first ran it through an alcohol bath, then some time in the ultrasonic cleaner with Simple Green, and Finally a rinse with water to get everything off. After drying it off, I cured it in front of a UV light for 20 mins. No sanding needed!
Step 3: Building the Base
To make my base I just used a scrap piece of Oak board and I cut a slot in it to the phone into, then cut it down to my preferred size.
Step 4: Cleaning It Up
The Table Saw left some burn marks on my base so I used a belt sander to clean them up and remove the burn marks.
(Since I painted my base this was actually irrelevant, but you may have to do it if you want to have a natural wood color for your base.)
I also used the chisel to clean up the uneven surface left by the table saw by cutting the slot into my base.
Step 5: DIY Router Table
I used my trim router flipped upside down with a chamfering bit as an impromptu router table to give my base a chamfer.
Step 6: Give the Base Some Color
I originally was going to stain my base black, but since that wasn't as dark as I wanted after wiping it away, I just ended up spray painting it, which was nice cause it dried faster than the stain as well.
Step 7: Making Some Dirt
I made my "dirt" by painting some 120 grit sandpaper and then cutting it to size, and then gluing it down with spray adhesive.
Step 8: Experimenting With Layout
I wasn't sure how I wanted to layout the rocks so I spent some time arranging them to figure out how I wanted it to look.
Step 9: Glue the Stuff Down
After I got that all figure out I glued down my rocks, and I used some cut off bristles from a chip brush to imitate some grass.
Step 10: Mix It Up a Little
I Thought my dirt looked a little bit to uniform so I ended up going back in with a few different shades of brown and tan washes to make it look a little more random.
Step 11: Paint the Child
To paint Baby Yoda, it was pretty simple because I only needed to use a few colors. The main part of the coat was a tan color, and the collar and cuffs were a lighter off white. To paint his skin I used one of the lightest shades of green I had, I would have probably preferred to go just a tad darker.
To finish it off I used a brown wash and then wiped it off and let it sit in the crevices of the coat to help give it a bit more detail.
Step 12: Final Step
Use some hot glue to glue down the figure...and it's done!
Step 13: It's Done!
And that's it, now we've got a wonderful phone stand that lets the little dude show off his force skills!