Introduction: Baby Yoda Pistachio Macarons

Get ready for the tastiest and cutest treats in the galaxy! This recipe makes one dozen adorable baby yoda macarons.

Macaron Ingredients

  • 3 egg whites
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 3/4 cup almond flour
  • 3/4 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/4 cup pistachios
  • green food coloring
  • black food coloring marker

Buttercream Ingredients

  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract


  • grinder
  • parchment paper
  • backing sheets
  • piping bags and tips
  • baking spray

Step 1: Grind Pistachios

Grind the pistachios into a fine powder. Just pulse it a few times because if you over grind it, the oils will release and make the powder into a paste.

Step 2: Sift Together Pistachios, Almond Flour, and 3/4 Cup Powdered Sugar

Sift the pistachios, almond flour, and 3/4 portion of powdered sugar together. You don't want any clumps in the macarons!

Step 3: Combine Granulated Sugar and Egg Whites Over Double Broiler

Combine the granulated sugar and egg whites in a metal bowl using the double broiler method. This requires a small pot with a little bit of water boiling underneath to heat the mixture. Once the sugar and eggs have become a cohesive mixture, remove from heat and let cool for a few minutes.

Step 4: Beat Egg and Sugar Mixture Until Stiff Peaks Form

Beat the mixture on high speed until stiff peaks form. It should become glossy and maintain its shape. One way to check if it's done is to hold the bowl upside down and see that it doesn't slide out.

Step 5: Fold in the Dry Ingredients Into the Wet

Carefully folder the dry ingredients into the wet sugar and egg mixture. Delicately form a "J" with a rubber scraper to incorporate the dry ingredients. Add two or three drops of green food coloring depending how vibrant you would like the macarons to be. You will know the mixture is ready when you can draw a complete "8" with the batter dripping off the scraper.

Step 6: Pipe Baby Yoda

Spray baking sheets with baking spray and cover with parchment paper. Both of these are necessary to prevent sticking later on. Next, prepare one small piping bag and one larger piping bag, both with round tips. Using the small tip, pipe out ears. Then pipe out a circle for the face. The batter will spread, so start with the outline for ears and let it fill in. Let dry for about 15 minutes, or until you can lightly press the shells with your finger and make no indentation.

Step 7: Bake Baby Yoda

Bake the macarons at 325 F for about 12 minutes, rotating halfway through. The macarons should have their traditional "feet" grow. After letting cool for about 10 minutes, match up your macarons by size.

Step 8: Make Buttercream and Pipe Onto Baby Yoda

Cream butter and slowing incorporate the remaining powdered sugar. Add in vanilla, and if needed to thin the mixture you can add a dash of milk or water. Pipe frosting onto one shell and press lightly together with paired shell.

Step 9: Decorate and Enjoy Baby Yoda

Using a food coloring marker (or piping chocolate if you don't have one), draw out an adorable baby yoda face. Let dry for a few minutes. Enjoy your cute macaron!!