Introduction: Bacon-Wrapped Jalapeno Poppers
In this Instructable, I will show you how to make Jalapeno Poppers. More specifically how to make bacon-wrapped jalapeno poppers, since there is a variety of them out there. Also, known as jalapeno bites they are very popular appetizers here in the United States. They are very easy to make using a handful of ingredients. If I can do it, you can do it. Let's get started!
Don't forget to follow me and check out my other Instructables. :)
Follow the easy steps below or watch the video tutorial or do both! :)
Step 1: Ingredients and Tools
You may print the recipe here if you like.
- 11 Jalapenos
- 11 strips of bacon
- 8 oz cream cheese (225g)
- 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese (100g)
- 1/8 to 1/4 tsp of salt (1g)
- 1/2 tsp. ground black pepper (2g)
- 1/2 tsp. garlic powder (2g)
- Bowls
- Spatula
- Mixer
- Knife
- Sheet pan
- Silicone mat or parchment paper
Step 2: Prep the Jalapenos
Preheat the oven to 400 F/205 C. Then wash and dry the Jalapenos. Then cut them in half lengthwise and scoop out the white bits (pith) and the seeds. Don't touch your mouth or eyes after handling these. Wash your hands again after. Most of the heat in Jalapenos comes from the seeds and pith (white membrane).
Step 3: Prepare the Filling
Now time to make the filling. Add the softened room temp cream cheese to a large bowl. If you forget to take it out of the fridge to soften, you can do it on defrost mode in the microwave for 45 seconds or so.
Blend the cream cheese first with a mixer, then add the salt, pepper, garlic powder, and cheddar cheese and blend that in. Don't go heavy on the salt. Add a little amount at first, then once completely blended you can taste it to see if it needs more salt. Remember the bacon has salt in it as well.
Step 4: Bacon Time!
Now for my favorite part, the bacon! Choose thin-cut bacon and cut 11 slices in half. Then use a spatula or spoon and spread the cheese filling into the Jalapeno "canoe". If you don't want it to bubble over when baking, then don't fill it up all the way.
Next, wrap it with the piece of bacon. Some people like to use toothpicks to hold it in place. I never do. Also, if you have a problem with it unraveling, wrap it so the seam side is down. Place them on a sheet pan lined with parchment paper or a silicone mat. Or just spray a pan with cooking spray.
Step 5: Bake Those Jalapeno Poppers
Now pop them in the oven, middle rack position, and bake them for 18 to 25 minutes until the bacon is browned and crispy.
I don't mind it if the melted cheesed piles over the Jalapeno. So I stuff them pretty full with the cheese filling.
Once they are done baking, remove them from the oven and allow them to cool for a few minutes before serving them. Enjoy! :)
Step 6: Video Tutorial
Now watch those steps in action with this video tutorial.