Introduction: Baked Mexican Bacon Rotel Cups (Appetizer & Finger Food)

Hi, in this Instructable I will show you how to make a really easy finger food that will be good for parties, football games appetizers ect. They don't take long at all to make, require little effort and they only require a small amount of ingredients. Ready? Lets get started!

First off get your ingredient together. You have two options with the bacon... Either cook your own bacon and chop it up or use bacon bits... its up to you.

1 Cup of chopped bacon, or bacon bits
1 Cup of mayo
1 Cup of shredded cheese.... I used Fiesta mix.... you can use whatever kind you like.
1 Can of Rotel (Drained)
3 Boxes of Fillo shells... (there are 15 shells a box they make other brands but this recipe yielded the full 45 shells of the Fillo brand)

Step 1: Mix the Ingredients

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Mix the mayo, bacon, cheese and the can of rotel in a bowl till well blended. Fill the shells with the mix. Add a pinch of cheese on top before baking.

Step 2: Bake!

Put them in the oven and bake at 350 degrees for 12-13 minutes. When done pull them out the oven and enjoy! You can garnish them with chopped green onions if you like or leave them as they are. Left overs can be refrigerated and enjoyed at a later time either cold or hot. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do!
Bacon Contest

Runner Up in the
Bacon Contest