Introduction: Basic Paracord Cobra Bracelet

About: If there is danger I am in, my only exception is heights, they are not for me. I like pyrotechnics and things that blow up or fire.
This is one of the easiest bracelets to make, very simple and quick. I will be making it on a paracord jig which makes it easier but is not needed. Enjoy.

Step 1: Materials

1: 6 to 10 feet of paracord
2: Butane lighter
3: Scissors
4: Paracord jig (optional)

Step 2: The Start

First if you are doing a double color you will need to melt the cords together have about 4 to 5 feet on each side. Then determine how long you want it, I want a 7 inch so I make the buckles 7 inches apart and string the paracord on.

Step 3: The Starting Knot

Once you have it strung, you take one cord (im doing the right side) and go across, on the left you go over the right piece under the base cords and through the right hand loop, then tighten.

Step 4: Reverse

Then you do it again with the other side.

Step 5: Finishing

You just keep doing it again and again and again.

Step 6: Finishing

Cut the excess cord from the bracelet, then melt the ends.

Step 7: YOUR DONE!!

víola your finished,
please feel to ask questions, comment, and share tips or suggestions.
Thanks for reading.