Introduction: Batman Kite

About: Hmmm...I was just trying out the name to check the availability :( ahh well...they're cool guys! I'm a teacher/tinkerer/outdoor kinda guy. Bamboo is the most incredible renewable construction materi…
Built with the same methods as my 'WingKite' (see below)

Step 1: Frame

Cut and lay out bamboo frame

Step 2: Frame Assembly

Lash frame together with duct tape

Step 3: Attach 'Skin'

Lay on black plastic, cut off excess and duct tape edges to the frame

Step 4: Paint

No self-respecting 'Batman' would be worth his mask with a non-black kite! Krylon Black covers green bamboo and red duct tape perfectly!

Step 5: The Finished BatWing Kite

The kite weighs 13 lbs and has a 12 foot wingspan. Pray for wind! I want to 'fly'!!!