Introduction: Beautiful and Easy RGB Origami Star Box

About: I’m just an ordinary 17 year old robot that likes to tinker around and create thing from my imagination.

Hi this is my first instructables and it’s for the Paper Craft contest!

This is an easy and fun little project to get started with Origami or basic electronics involving a microcontroller like the arduino.


All the blue lines drawn on the
paper is not necessary it is just to make it clearer to see where I’ve folded the paper.

Also I apologies for the picture quality. I’m currently using my iPhone 5 to take the pictures.

Some steps may seem redundant but i made this tutorial so that everyone can easily understand every step.

Step 1: Materials

Normal printer paper (A4 format, but any size paper would work)

An ordinary kitchen scissor

Optional materials:

Two colored paper


A microcontroller such as the Arduino UNO

Cables to connect the LED to the Arduino

A appropriate resistor for the LED

Ruler ( For cleaner folds)

Step 2: Preparing the Paper #1

Fold the peper diagnoly to create a perfect sqare.


Skip to step 6 if you already have a square piece of paper.

Step 3: Preparing the Paper #2

Fold the remaining part of the paper over the diagonal fold that was performed in the previous step.

Follow the instructions in the image provided.


Ignore this step if you already have a square paper.

Step 4: Preparing the Paper #3

Unfold the paper back to its original state.


Ignore this step if you already have a square paper.

Step 5: The Perfect Square

Cut away the flap that was folded in step 4. Try to cut as evenly as possible as it will pay off in the final design.

Step 6: Fold Diagnoly

Fold the square piece of paper diagonally to create an "X" across the paper.

Step 7: Fold Across

Fold across the paper to create a "+" over the paper. Now you should have an "X" across the paper and a "+" as shown in the picture.

Step 8: Fold the Paper on Its Half

Fold the paper on it half and fold the middle

fold over to the bottom left corner to create a three sided cube. And do the same on the top right corner until it becomes a rhomb shape.


This step is really difficult to explain if you have any further questions of how this step is done, feel free to comment I’d love to get feedback to improve my future instructable projects.

Step 9: The Rhomb

Now if you have done everything correct you should end up with a rhomb shape with a opening on one of the sides.

Now you have to fold the outer corners in toward the center as shown in the picture. Remember to have the opening facing the pointy part of the fold.

Step 10: The Squeez

Now you have to open the fold that you did in the previous step and flatten it out as shown in the picture. Once you’ve done that you have to do it on all four sides of the rhomb. so you flip the paper over and repeat this step on all sides until your fold looks similar to the pictures provided.

Step 11: The Arrow Tip Shape

Now comes a bit of a tricky fold.

Now fold the folds that were created in the previous step, and fold half of each corner back into the unused side in-between the two "main" sides and doo so to every corner until it looks somewhat like the arrow head shape that’s shown in the picture.

Step 12: Folding the Legs

Now if you got this far your pretty much set, all the hard parts are over.

Now you have to each one of the spikes down, as far as they go without bending the whole paper.

Now do this to all of the "legs" so your fold looks something like the last picture.

Step 13: Finalizing the Star Box

So if you have followed all these steps so

far then you should end up with a Star box looking something like what’s shown in the picture.

If you’re satisfied with just a Star Box then you don’t need to follow any more steps. So congrats you’re done!!! :P

But if you wish to add custom fading LED lights in the Star Box then continue reading.

Step 14: The RGB-LED

This is the schematic of the RGB-LED and the Arduino UNO

It’s a fairly simple circuit so it shouldn’t be too hard to understand just replace the resistor with one that works with the LED´s your using and it’s all fine and dandy (the resistor should work for most RGB-LED´s on the market)

Step 15: The Code

This code was not written by me but just slightly modified to suit this project.

Special thanks to Joshin Arduino Stuff over at

//Copy code from here


Updated Fade RGB LED Smoothly through 7 colours Fades an RGB LED using PWM smoothly through 7 different colours pausing for 1 seconds on each colour. Re-writted code to non blocking program using timers. Connect an common Cathode RGB LED with appropriate resistors on each anode to your Arduino Uno; Red to pin 6, Green to pin 5, Blue to pin 3, Cathode to GND. Developed for Arduino Uno by Joshua David - Please Feel Free to adapt and use this code in your projects. Contact me at and let me know how you've used it! */

#define GRN_PIN 11 #define RED_PIN 13 #define BLU_PIN 12

byte RED, GREEN, BLUE; byte RED_A = 0; byte GREEN_A = 0; byte BLUE_A = 0; int led_delay = 0; byte colour_count = 1; //Count the colours out #define colour_count_max 7 //Set this to the max number of colours defined #define colour_delay 4000 //Define the delay between changing colours in ms #define time_at_colour 1000 //Time to stay on a colour in ms

//Some Time values unsigned long TIME_LED = 0; unsigned long TIME_COLOUR = 0;

//Define Colours here. //Blue #define C1_R 0 #define C1_G 0 #define C1_B 255 //Red #define C2_R 255 #define C2_G 0 #define C2_B 0 //White #define C3_R 255 #define C3_G 255 #define C3_B 255 //Orange #define C4_R 255 #define C4_G 186 #define C4_B 0 //Light Blue #define C5_R 0 #define C5_G 168 #define C5_B 255 //Purple #define C6_R 255 #define C6_G 0 #define C6_B 255 //Yellow #define C7_R 255 #define C7_G 250 #define C7_B 0

void setup() {

//Assign initial values RED = C1_R; GREEN = C1_G; BLUE = C1_B; //Get the led_delay speed led_delay = (colour_delay - time_at_colour) / 255;

analogWrite(GRN_PIN, 0); analogWrite(RED_PIN, 0); analogWrite(BLU_PIN, 0);


void loop() {

//Rest of your program - Avoid using delay(); function!

if(millis() - TIME_LED >= led_delay){ TIME_LED = millis();

//Run the LED Function to check and adjust the values LED(); }

if(millis() - TIME_COLOUR >= colour_delay){ TIME_COLOUR = millis();

//Run the Colour Change function COLOUR(); }


void LED() {

//Check Values and adjust "Active" Value if(RED != RED_A){ if(RED_A > RED) RED_A = RED_A - 1; if(RED_A < RED) RED_A++; } if(GREEN != GREEN_A){ if(GREEN_A > GREEN) GREEN_A = GREEN_A - 1; if(GREEN_A < GREEN) GREEN_A++; } if(BLUE != BLUE_A){ if(BLUE_A > BLUE) BLUE_A = BLUE_A - 1; if(BLUE_A < BLUE) BLUE_A++; }

//Assign modified values to the pwm outputs for each colour led analogWrite(RED_PIN, RED_A); analogWrite(GRN_PIN, GREEN_A); analogWrite(BLU_PIN, BLUE_A);


void COLOUR() {

//Increment the colour by one or go back to 1 if maxed out if(colour_count < colour_count_max) colour_count++; else colour_count = 1;

if(colour_count == 1){ RED = C1_R; GREEN = C1_G; BLUE = C1_B; } else if(colour_count == 2){ RED = C2_R; GREEN = C2_G; BLUE = C2_B; } else if(colour_count == 3){ RED = C3_R; GREEN = C3_G; BLUE = C3_B; } else if(colour_count == 4){ RED = C4_R; GREEN = C4_G; BLUE = C4_B; } else if(colour_count == 5){ RED = C5_R; GREEN = C5_G; BLUE = C5_B; } else if(colour_count == 6){ RED = C6_R; GREEN = C6_G; BLUE = C6_B; } else if(colour_count == 7){ RED = C7_R; GREEN = C7_G; BLUE = C7_B; } }

Step 16: Finish

If you have followed all these steps correctly you should end up with a Beautiful Star Box with a RGB-LED that is fading through the different colors.

Please leave a comment on what I can improve and I hope this project inspired you to create something similar.

Hope you all enjoyed and stay tuned for more thing from me.

First Time Author Contest

Participated in the
First Time Author Contest

Papercraft Contest 2015

Participated in the
Papercraft Contest 2015